Jeremy stargazer

Who is this guy in our shard mctucker??? He keeps sniping me out of first place right before my payout??? Anybody know this guy?? Wait until AFTER my payout please then snipe me...****. (Unless your payout is the same, then the war is on...)


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    And then he locks me out. I hate you Jeremy Stargazer. This arena payout system is so rigged
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    Good...Gooooooood. Let the Hate flow through you.
  • scuba
    14185 posts Member
    Thanaton wrote: »
    Good...Gooooooood. Let the Hate flow through you.

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    @McTucker I think is the guy you are talking too.
    scuba wrote: »
    Thanaton wrote: »
    Good...Gooooooood. Let the Hate flow through you.


    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
  • TheFoxReDux
    255 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    If he is willing to spend on refreshes and his payout is at the same time as yours then going to war will frustrate the both of you if your willing to refresh or completely lock you out if your not. Your best bet is to try and find someone on here that is in his guild to open a line of communication and try to work out a sharing system.

    edit: or get a new meta and lock him out with a team he cant beat for awhile B)
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    Thanks Fox! Hopefully someone has heard of this guy so we can figure something out!! Mctucker is in my shard and him and I communicate in here so maybe he knows something about this guy
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    He's been around as long as I can remember. He's not on my payout, so I've never really clashed with him. The top 5 is getting competitive again. People are adapting to my Baze / Chirrut comp. I usually don't take first back till an hour before my payout at 6 Pacific time, and he's been in the top 3 lately.
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    Hello!... we are formed an ARENA line chat... do get line so we can communicate to avoid each other payout
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    post your line ID so I can invite you in
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