Darth Maul zeta leader skill

I have fought Darth Maul lead(zeta) sith team these days, and found odd thing.

Palpatine(speed 189) of Opponent sith team is faster than my Biggs(speed 234) on the first turn.

My one of guild mates also has noticed this.

He encouted Darthmaul lead(zeta) team including Palpatine, and Palpatine(speed 207) is faster than TIE fighter pilot(speed 257) on the first turn..

I think Palpatine gains more than 20% turn meter when battle starts, maybe he gets 40% turn meter.

Please, check this out.


  • Moscba
    48 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    MedenAgan wrote: »
    I have fought Darth Maul lead(zeta) sith team these days, and found odd thing.

    Palpatine(speed 189) of Opponent sith team is faster than my Biggs(speed 234) on the first turn.

    My one of guild mates also has noticed this.

    He encouted Darthmaul lead(zeta) team including Palpatine, and Palpatine(speed 207) is faster than TIE fighter pilot(speed 257) on the first turn..

    I think Palpatine gains more than 20% turn meter when battle starts, maybe he gets 40% turn meter.

    Please, check this out.

    If i remember well the jauge size is 1000. When the jauge is full the toon takes into action.
    A point : The order in which the toons will start to fill their jauges is random at the beginning of the encounter.

    From what you said and if Palp has been designed to fill first his jauge by the RNG
    Palpatine starts with 20% so 200
    The first turn he gets 207 so 407 in total
    TFP gets 257
    Second turn : Palp goes to 614
    TFP 257+257 = 514
    Third turn : Palp goes to 821
    TFP goes to 771
    Fourth turn : Palp goes to 1028. Then play and leave 28 points in his jauge
    TFP goes to 1078. Then play and leave 78 in his jauge.

    Things are sequential per turn. If a toon fills his jauge then he plays whatever it could happen in this turn with another toon.

    Here is practical mindset to determine who will enter action first at the beginning of the encounter (without taking into account special abilities like Maul). If 2 toons are in the same range you can t determine who will play first.

    Speed is an integer
    Speed < 125 : 9 turns or more
    125 < Speed < 143 : 8 turns
    142 < Speed < 167 : 7 turns
    166 < Speed < 200 : 6 turns
    199 < Speed < 250 : 5 turns
    249 < Speed : 4 turns or less.

    Hope it can help
    Post edited by Moscba on
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    I read this, then understood it.

    I calculated opponent speed by a factor of 1.2, but I had to multiply by 1.25.

    When multiplied by 1.25, actual order and calculation result were the same.

    @CG_Kozispoon, am I correct?

  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    We've checked Darth Maul's Leader ability and he only grants 20% TM to Sith Allies at the beginning of the battle, and each time they are critically hit or they Evade so everything seems to be working as intended. Please note the fact that TM can be gained by characters from their abilities as well, not only from Darth Maul's leader ability (Example: Palpatine gains 15% Tm with his basic for each shocked enemy)
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    Thank you for checking it.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    Ok I was trying to figure this out all day yesterday and I think I found out how it works.

    I will start off with your first example.
    A 189 palpi went before your 234 Biggs.
    Since Biggs is the fastest character in the match, he created the fact that 234 is 100%tm.
    234•.20=46.8. I'll round down.
    So 20% tm is 46 speed.
    Palpi had 189 speed.
    After palpi 20%tm boost to his original 189 speed, he ended up with 235 to start the match.
    That is why palpi went first.

    2nd scenario.
    A 207 palpi went before a 257 tfp.
    Since tfp is fastest in match, he creates the fact that 257 is 100%tm.
    257•.20=51.4 I'll round down.
    So 20%tm is 51 speed.
    Palpi had 207 speed.

    So that is why I think palpi went first both times.

    If anybody else can contribute to what they think is right, that would be awesome. I'm not 100% on this is how it is done, but my math adds up.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Also cam we get this moved to character strategies or general? It is not a bug and I would like to have a few people look at my comment. It should be under a different category that gets some traffic,
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    189/234= 80.76
    So palps would be at 80.76% tm when Biggs hits 100% but because of palps 20% tm gain to start he is at 100% tm while biggs is at 99.24%
    add 3 more speed to biggs and he will go first, maybe 4 depending on how rounding works.

    207/257 = 80.54%
    So palps would be at 80.54% tm when tfp hits 100% but because of palps 20% tm gain to start he is at 100% tm while tfp is at 99.46%
    add 2 more speed to tfp and he will go first, maybe 3 depending on how rounding works.
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    Let it assume jauge size 100.

    Sith characters aleady have 20% turn meter at first turn, so they just need 80% turn meter(80).
    On the other hand, non-sith characters need 100% turn meter(100).

    I want to compare sith's speed with non-sith's speed at 1st turn, so I make equation below.

    X: sith's speed
    Y: sith's 1st turn speed under zeta maul lead(including 20% turn meter)

    X:80 = Y:100
    Y = X*100/80 = 1.25X

    1st scenario
    Palp speed = 189 / Biggs speed = 234
    Y = 189 * 1.25 = 236.25
    Palp is faster than Biggs at 1st turn.

    2nd scenario
    Palp speed = 207 / TFP speed = 257
    Y = 207 * 1.25 = 258.75
    Palp is faster than TFP at 1st turn.

    This is my calculation, and I think it is same with @scuba
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    MedenAgan wrote: »
    Let it assume jauge size 100.

    Sith characters aleady have 20% turn meter at first turn, so they just need 80% turn meter(80).
    On the other hand, non-sith characters need 100% turn meter(100).

    I want to compare sith's speed with non-sith's speed at 1st turn, so I make equation below.

    X: sith's speed
    Y: sith's 1st turn speed under zeta maul lead(including 20% turn meter)

    X:80 = Y:100
    Y = X*100/80 = 1.25X

    1st scenario
    Palp speed = 189 / Biggs speed = 234
    Y = 189 * 1.25 = 236.25
    Palp is faster than Biggs at 1st turn.

    2nd scenario
    Palp speed = 207 / TFP speed = 257
    Y = 207 * 1.25 = 258.75
    Palp is faster than TFP at 1st turn.

    This is my calculation, and I think it is same with scuba

    Lots o math.... My brain hurts. But yes just simply compare the speeds, with 20% tm start if they have over 80% speed of fastest character they will go first. Similar with the broke Baze and Qgj zeta lead Baze starts with 50% TM so if he has over 50% speed of fastest character he will go first.
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    **** is jauge? Do you mean gauge the measuring instrument?
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