QoL improvements requested by a Guild Leader

As a guild leader for about 4 months now there are a few things you guys could do to make life a whole lot easier for myself and my officers, please consider them (even though they don't directly translate into $$$). Sorry for length...

1. Able to view results of last 2 raids. An officer starting a new raid right after payout clears the results from the previous raid forever. I enter these results into a spreadsheet to track our progress (e.g. how close are we to being able to try heroic AAT) and implement restrictions based on damage to share the rewards more with lower members. I've thankfully had people volunteer to take videos of the results but I have to rely on someone to remember doing this before the next raid is launched. I feel like this would take a lot of time to implement so I don't expect it but it'd sure be great to have.

2. Additional filters on member list (Manage button) - I would love to be able to see members contributions for the last week and for the last month. Lifeftime is interesting but useless when trying to compare against newer members contributions. Daily is sometimes useless depending on the time of day you are checking and if you have members spread out over all sorts of different timezones like we have. Weekly and possibly monthly would give me a better indication of those in my guild that are starting to go inactive. Even better, give a dropdown with a bunch of different timeframe options to filter results by. Additional filters that would be nice: number of 6* characters, number of 7* characters.

3. Ability to fine tune the chat upgrade announcements. It's nice to know when someone 7*'s a toon or gets them to g10, but do I care if someone gets a toon to 4* or not? Or acquires a mod? Sometimes that gives away that someone bought a mod pack, maybe they don't wanna have everyone know that. Plus this makes in-game chat almost completely useless for a guild of 50 active members so we have to use a 3rd party chat app. It'd be nice to have the ability to filter these out (e.g. only notify 6* promotions or higher, g9 gear upgrade or higher, etc) or completely disable them (mod acquisition). Per guild setting would be nice, or even per user.

4. Expand gear exchange. A lot of us are carrying around 150 or more of certain raid salvage that we (cough rng?? cough) seem to get over and over, it'd be nice to be able to share these with others in our guild. The current exchange is nice but 2 pieces is a tough limitation. It'd be nice to be able to just offer X amount of an item I have in abundance to people in my guild. Guild perks / level would be an interesting idea similar to other games - if your guild reaches level X you get a perk of increased exchange max, etc.

5. Ability to schedule a raid start. We have members in 4 continents, so we rotate raid start times every 6 hours. Would be so great to be able to schedule the next raid to auto-start at a set time vs. relying on an officer to be awake and sober enough to launch the raid at the right time...

6. Last but not least, it'd be nice to be able to lock people out of raid or otherwise restrict them. For t7 rancor we try to rotate the rewards around so we don't get the most powerful always getting the best gear to become even more powerful so we ask people to do zero damage attacks if they were in top 3 etc. It'd be great to restrict members to a damage limit, by member would be great, or even across the board having something like a 750k damage limit would help spread the results around. I can see this as a pain in the **** to implement so I'm just throwing it out there, for now the honor system will have to do...

Happy holidays devs, thanks for all you do.

Bartimeaus / Josh
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