All Sith Event Possibility?

57 posts Member
edited December 2016
What's the chances in EA doing an event which requires a team of 5 Sith characters? Exactly the same principles of the yoda and palpatine events?

So close to having a squad of 5 7* siths, has it been worthwhile or will it just be a complete waste of time and resources working on them?
Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.
Post edited by Crooklad on


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    Thought you were talking about a @SifuSteve only event - dissapointed to see it wasn't the case.

    But in all seriousness, there are so few siths in the game that I would be surprised to see an all sith event like that. More likely, there will be an all empire event.
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    Never happening. Same reason we do not have one for nightsisters or tuskens.
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