Best arena squad

54 posts Member
edited December 2016
Looking for a little advice here. I am a top 20 arena at all times, and have plenty of maxed out toons and a few that I will be maxing this week. If I give a list of viable toons that I have, could I please get some opinions on the best possible squads? Thanks guys in advance! (By maxed I mean stars, gear, level, and modded)



Shore (5 star but very viable at max gear)
Sun Fac
St Han


And also (these aren't really that good in today's meta but)

I kind of grouped them by similarities somewhat , but if you guys could give me some possible arena squads out of those toons, that would be awesome! Thank you!!

Boba and TFP will be maxed gear and stars this week, so I listed them also

And I will have General Kenobi but not for like, 42 days approx, so I didn't list him , but you guys can put him in a viable squad for fun if you feel like listing a current AND future squad!


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    From your list, Boba, Shore Trooper, IG-88, B2, and TFP is a nasty combo. Or you could sub B2 and TFP for Wiggs.
    Line I.D. Siskin59953
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    Are any of them Zeta'd?
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    EP lead, Vader, TFP, Shoretrooper, and B2. I get 1st every day on my Dec 2015 shard. Wiggs is a joke for this team. Newer rebels are more challenging but still not hard to beat. I've been running this team for quite a few months now enjoying my 500 free crystals per day. Waiting on Vader to be Zeta'd to switch it up slightly
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    We're in the same shard escorpion:) so get ready to be fighting the same team ;) thanks dude
  • dinobambino
    141 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Palp L Vader tfp sun and shore. I run this team and they aren't all top gear/omega (90 percent are) and I took 1st on my server. Palp and tfp eat up the rebel meta. Sun is a great dispeller and counter on the current rebel meta. I was able to beat a 7 star Baze gl 10 and chirrut (5 star). I find I have at least 3 standing at the end for about 95 percent of the fights.
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    Mazz wrote: »
    We're in the same shard escorpion:) so get ready to be fighting the same team ;) thanks dude

    Np. I welcome a change from rebels. Also from what I've experienced in this shard people are good about letting you get first at your payout. I only take out the first place team at my payout so unless we have the same payout have nothing to worry about from me. Good luck Mazz
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