EP Lead squad help

EP(L), tfp, shore, boba, and B2. Is Vader worth it over the utility of tfp or b2?


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    I would probably go with b2 over vader in this situation. And probably switch up when I saw a self buffing team come up :)
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    Er vader over b2. Unless a self buff team
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    If your Boba is fast enough to block the opponent they won't be getting those buffs anyways. I would skip B2 for either Vader or even Baze
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    Actually I would probbaly keep this team exactly how it is now. B2 is the only character on your team that can really counter enemy Bazes or Shoretroopers. Without b2, if you come up against another auto taunter, it will simply be the two of you bashing your damage and main debuffs up against two sluggish brick walls, until the taunt finally expires or they die in which case, it will turn into bloodbath to kill your opponents most important toons before they kill yours, and empire isn't exactly known for damage (except for TFP and Vader culling blades). With b2, it will allow you to get rid of that taunt earlier allowing you to kill the enemy wiggs/EP/droids, while they will still be hitting that brick wall.

    I also run an empire team and I wish that my b2 and Shore were better geared so I could use b2 and beat enemy shores without worrying about my team dying due to my Shore not being as tanky as he could be.
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    If you're gonna use EP, I don't see why you wouldn't use Vader.
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    Looking at some top end players, I found a bunch of players running EP (L), RG, tfp, shore, B2. Is palp and tfp enough dps to disregard boba or is does boba only need to come in against ChiBus?
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    Boba gets rid of auto taunt as second move if you have him fast enough.

    Vader is almost a guaranteed first attack kill. TFP attacks twice, Boba either removes taunt with execute or ability blocks with AoE. Emperor or and Vader do there AoE Stun and DoTs - Vader gets second turn right away from EP lead and should close to kill or kill enemy with saber throw and gets free third with ability lock chance on death from throw
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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