Jyn Rebels + Resistance Trooper

91 posts Member
edited December 2016
I've long seen Resistance Trooper (aka. RT) as a diamond in the rough, just waiting for the right Expose character to make him viable. With the arrival of Jyn, as well as the introduction of dispel to his omega'd special, his time has come.

The team:
  • Jyn (L)
  • Cassian
  • K2
  • Wedge
  • RT

The key to this team are the following 2 abilities:
Jyn Leader - Rebel allies have +35% Potency. Enemies that suffer debuffs during Rebel allies' turns have a 50% chance to also become Exposed for 2 turns. This Expose can't be Resisted.
RT Unique - Resistance Trooper has +10% Potency and gains 55% Turn Meter whenever an enemy becomes Exposed.

Beyond that, you just want Rebels that apply a debuff with their basic to maximize how often Expose is inflicted. Cassian, K2, and Wedge all fit this bill perfectly. Cassian and K2 are ideal if you have them, as they work awesomely together, and both also inflict debuffs with their specials. Cassian in particular is amazing on this team, as his specials can inflict multiple debuffs, with each individual debuff having its own 50% chance to inflict an Expose. Wedge is also a great fit for this team because of his speed, damage, and AOE, in addition to his debuff on basic.

If you don't have these 3 characters (or need to sub characters based on your opponent), the following Rebels can also work:
  • Baze - applies Speed Down on basic, but Expose isn't applied on counterattacks, plus he's slow
  • Bistan - only 70% chance on basic to inflict a DOT, but unique works well with lots of debuffs
  • Han Solo - stuns on first shot, which can give RT a head start if it Exposes, but after that doesn't inflict debuffs
  • Hoth Rebel Scout - no debuff on basic, but 55% stun chance on special, which he can use often if it crits (plus basic can grant 25% TM to entire team)
  • Hoth Rebel Soldier - applies Offense Down on basic, though only 55% of the time unless you crit with it omega'd
  • Lobot - only 80% chance on basic to inflict Defense Down
  • Luke - inflicts a DOT with basic on crits, but can also apply multiple debuffs if his special crits
  • Scariff Rebel Pathfinder - no debuff on basic, but has AOE debuff on special with 70% hit rate (plus basic grants 15% TM to entire team)

With the Expose machine in place from your 4 Rebels, RT joins the fray as a machine gun. He'll get a ridiculous number of turns, and with all the debuffs in play, his special might as well have "2 turn cooldown" written on it. It's best to mod RT for crit chance, crit damage, and offense, with speed being less important since most of his turns will be granted by his Unique. At G11 and properly modded, his basic can crit for 10k (and apply Expose at least half the time), and his special, when Omega'd, can crit for 16k and dispel all buffs from the target. When you consider that most of the time he'll be attacking an Exposed enemy (sometimes one with multiple Exposes), the damage adds up really fast.

It might not be good enough when controlled by AI to be Arena worthy, but it's a lot of fun on offense when you can pick the targets. I'm already using this team in GW and am looking forward to unleashing it in the next tournament.
Post edited by DrD on
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