Easy farmable all star team

Hey guys, I wanted to share my combination team which I find really good, it's easy to farm, and I didn't have to spend a single cent so far.
Jedi counselor (great heals and decent attack)
Chewie(great tank and self heal)
Darth Sidious (farmable from arena 5 shards per day, great attacker and his heal block is so powerful and sure kill)
Ahsoka tano (farmable from squad battles shipments, 5 shards a day. decent attacker, casual healer)
Lumi (farmable from galactic war 5 shards a day, great healer and attacker)
Usually I keep sid as leader, heal block their healer and focus down. I don't use chewie unless a toon is in danger.
And with a bit of patience, I got a great team


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    I like it.

    Consider farming up POE as an eventual replacement for ChewToy. Apparently, Poe really shines at the higher ranks, as Chewie wanes.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Lumi is farmble at 15 Shares per day. I wouldn't advise yo invest heavily into Slowka Tano
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    What level are you currently? I only ask because when you say use chewie when you "need him" you imply that the others have decent health... I've played withe theses characters quite a bit and as soon as the AI target ahsoka she tends to be donning paper as her armour, if im lucky shell survive and gain the smallest bit of health back to keep her going and absorb maybe 1 more hit, same with sidious great attacker but until his unique skill is upgraded to health for each kill and even after his health can be quite the problem. Point is at least with me the AI dont tend to vary their target theres usually at least 2 attackers on 1 person and when they smell blood they all but maybe 1 go for it.

    Also is there a pair of players you tend to ritate because youve mentioned 6 toons, I do agree with some of your choices tho, my current A team consists of;
    Sidious leader
    Jedi Consular
    Ewok scout
    All are lv 40+ and the combination of Chewie and Ewok can help allieviate some pain when they do happen to remove 50% turn bar.

    I do swap in Lumi everynow and then but I aim for quick wins and she can keep a B team in GW going for a lot longer than it should
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    Yh id drop ahsoka shes pretty useless, only useful early when you dont have too many healers, her heal is as you mentioned casual but you fail to mention very casual, she takes ages to attack and even then the cooldown basically means you only get to use it twice, ive only ever got 1 or less crits with the heal attack
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    I'm currently at level 51, I always win the galactic war and ranked 330+/- in arena.
    I might replace ahsoka (slowka? Lol) but for now she's easy to farm for me, maybe if I get to unlock fotp I read he's pretty tough
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    Or perhaps quijon now that he's farmable?
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    Even if QGJ is farmable, Cantina is the slowest to farm of the options. In the meantime, he can farm probably Lumi and Phasma from GW as both of them have good stats and GW gives a ton of war tokens.
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    get rid of ashoka and chewie, there are better free toons to play.
    ashoka slow as **** (sid with passive lvl 6 able to atc 3 times while she only 1 - i actually did, cuz im forced to use ashoka in attackers challange)
    and chewie is just... bah. weak. slow, not that good tank. i got both those heroes to 4* and prpl gear to be disappointed badly.
    you have assisters free, GS and IG86 (easily farmed after you finish lumi)
    you can have Captain phasma, poggle farmed, asajj, han (after sid).

    leia 2* better, FOTP with 2* is better, QGJ 2* is better. now you can also farm QGJ, ye, leave that ashoka and chewie out.

    after you'll have a real OP team, which you can get easily even as f2p, you'll be around 100+-, not 300.
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    Needs work...

    QGJ via Cantina shipment,
    Kylo via cantina battles,
    Sid via arena shipments,
    Luminara via GW shipments, then Phasma.
    Then choose some people to farm from ls/ds hard battles...i am doing anakin bcs qgj is now available but working on other charactersis cool.

    Ahsoka is good on jedi team,
    QGJ leader
    Is a f2p team. Never seen it, but looks strong. Even stronger when secura is available from squad shipments (*pray*)

  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Jabbashift wrote: »
    I'm currently at level 51, I always win the galactic war and ranked 330+/- in arena.
    I might replace ahsoka (slowka? Lol) but for now she's easy to farm for me, maybe if I get to unlock fotp I read he's pretty tough

    She uses your cantina Shipments, which are a premium currrncy, with Daka, Qi Gon Jin and Poe being there. In fact, Fives, Boba and First Order Oficial have, all of them, higher priority. I have Ashoka at 3* from a bundle, and she's slow as a turtle.

    In Cantina you should farm Qi Gon Jin in my opinion. Later, when you start to feel blocked in dark side missions, get Daka. You can borrow her for a while in some battles meanwhile.
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    Alright thanks for the tips guys, yea now that you mention it, she is slow... I'm noticing how many times sid attacks while she charges
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    Dood u should 7 star that whole team!!!
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    This is definately no all star team, although i recently used jc, chewy, lumi, sid, and phasma which worked well, but now i switched dooku and poe for chewie and jc. A f2p all star team would be hk47 leader, poe, poggle, ig86, ig88. Or any team with poggle poe sid and ig88. I have had 3 guys taken out before i got a shot of with them because of poggle offense up then sid and ig88 aoe.... It is raw together
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    The best easily farmable team is probably Sid or Phasma/QGJ/GS/Poe/Rey or Kylo or Lumi
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    Hmmmm I kinda like the FOST right now. I'm sure he falls off quickly at higher levels but he is a monster for me right now lol.

    On topic. I do like the team. Consider farming QGJ. He is an assassin and super quick. He would fare better than slowka I'd assume. Just my two pennies.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Actually with QGJ lead, Ashoka stars being more viable as he gives her a bunch of speed
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    Yea I directly stopped buying ahshoka and moved to QGJ but it'll be a while till I get him up to shape
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    An "elite" team does not contain chewwy
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    I am lv 61 and sadly still have a chewie in my team.... I am working away from him though... By tomorrow I will have Poe and perhaps in the near future, 4* QGJ. My team consists of
    -Phasma 5* LEADER
    -Luminara 5* 15/85
    -Sidious 5* 30/85
    -Kylo 4* 51/65
    -Chewie 4*... CBF farming him so let's leave it there
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    Kylo is easy to farm once ur lv 53+ I've been 2 weeks from scratch... He has a ridiculous cool down reset chance and a counter almost every turn as a result. He also has a special attack that does upwards of 5000 DMG when below 50% health. AND HE IS THE LEAST UPGRADED IN MY TEAM.
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    My Sidious is probably second favourite with just under 4k PWR and 1 gear off GL VIII. Luminara also with 3750 PWR, massive healing over time (80%+) an unavoidable ability block, and a basic attack that can take most enemies out in 2 hits
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    The best easy to farm team

    Add toon of your choice
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    Cantina battles: geonisian soldier
    Cantina shipments: qui gon

    These two for you are priorities
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    Triqui wrote: »
    Lumi is farmble at 15 Shares per day. I wouldn't advise yo invest heavily into Slowka Tano

    there is no longer a problem with Ahsoka with QGJ leader skill her speed is buffed, plus she has good evasion, likely self heal and pretty substantial pick-off damage

  • BodaBing
    281 posts Member
    Trying to get in touch with Jabbashift or anyone from the Starwarkers guild. Was accepted to guild last night, but don't know how to get in touch with the guild. Gary Wagner on Line or garywagner9@gmail.com BoddaBing in game.
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Not sure what's with this Ashoka hate but I love her. I think it's my fav toon so far. Level 70 gear 8, almost all Jedi team.
  • Rotor
    473 posts Member
    Sidius is going to need potency mods end game. There are better choices
  • Dewit
    31 posts Member
    My most ran team is all lv 70 and 7*

    Barris leader

    Jedi couns




    barris heals through healing immunity
    yoda steals buffs and gives them to everyone so kill rey first then buff up
    I beat lv 80 people all the time with this group
    kill order is always
    Geno soldier
    QGJ if all jedi team kill him first
    there are always people you love to fight against
    Kylo Ren you steal his counter and give it to everyone
    Asij her 2x dmg is very good to have
    Savage opress attack him before you steal effects
    Chewie his heal is awesome and stacks with lumin
    Lumin her heal effect will stack with chewies and they will all stack with you lumin to give you 3 heal on turn
    this is a very versatile group and added with mods can be very hard to kill
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Not sure what's with this Ashoka hate but I love her. I think it's my fav toon so far. Level 70 gear 8, almost all Jedi team.

    A lot has happened the last 5 months since the thread was put to the grave.
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