New Guild looking for New Players

10 posts Member
We plan to be a highly active guild, with requirements that people remain active on a daily bases. Star Wars junkies looking to have fun players with a sense of humour join us in game. If your new and looking to do beginning raids you can actually contribute in, Galactic Legion is the place for you.


  • Options
    Hi bud, I´ve made a guild (last saturday) with some friends we were in another guild that only made >T5 raids (so we couldn´t do much, even though we were always in the highest ranks in guild daily activities), so we just got bored and started our own guild (Archfiends) we´re currently like 9 players (6 above or really close to 50s) and the rest are in their 30s..
    So I was wondering if you´d like to join us and start making <T4 raids..
    if you´re interested reply or add me to: 552-854-579.
    We´re mainly from Costa Rica, but don´t mind talking in English
    Enjoy the rest of the holiday season.
    Would you be interested ?
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    I've had multiple merger options from different guilds. Problem is I'm 33 and stubborn about how guilds should be run so I always run my own. We would be happy to incorporate you into our guild and would obviously provide officer positions if that were to come through. Currently we are at 3 (count em 3!!!) players but we are only a day in. We will have 2-3 more from IRL friends in fairly short order but as it stands we will weather the slow growth and maintain this group under our name. We would be pleased to have you join with us. Our process will be to run raids with the aim to keep the lower levelled players getting geared out to keep it fun and paced for everyone.
  • Options
    Yeah I totally understand that.. To be honest I´ve had merger options from stronger guilds (I declined them cuz I´m also stubborn) right now we´re 14 (mixture of lvl 50s and >=30s kind of balanced), we´re looking into make our first raid by monday or tuesday tops, and right now the focus is to make slow level raids and keep on growing together.. so we have that in common..

    If you´re interested let me know. Thanks for the offer though.

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    Just for curiosity.. what´s your philosophy about the proper way to run a guild ?
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Proper: inactives of more than 7 days are kicked unless they notified absences due to life plans. Raids done to accommodate all players to distribute even growth among all. No big boy loot hording. Chat to remain about game and to be fun. Bad attitude or overly crude behaviour receives zero tolerance. We don't tolerate whiners, we will do our best to run what everybody is capable of, not just what benefits a few players.
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Misworded a bit there. Chats wide open to whatever topics, but stays clean (mostly so anyway, more we just don't tolerate ***holes and overly crude irrelevant troll useless nonsense.
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    edited December 2016
  • Options
    Looking for a raiding guild, lvl 47 and raising. Arena at top 50 atm
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    Come on in. You fit our levels well. Just look us up in game. Galactic Legion. Or send ally request for: 721-832-392 and I'll bring you in.
  • Options
    Rah wrote: »
    Come on in. You fit our levels well. Just look us up in game. Galactic Legion. Or send ally request for: 721-832-392 and I'll bring you in.
    I sent ally request
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    Awesome. Glad to have you.
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    We are now up to 17 players mostly falling in the 40-70 range. All active and contributing. We are almost through our second bite out of T3 raid and accumulated enough points to start another as soon as we finish. We may also be starting to tick away at the ATT normal raid shortly. Join us for the fun!
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