Join this guild!! Knights of Wyandotte

Hello, I have recently created a guild and am looking for members like you! There is no restrictions on level or activity so why not join? Our main goal is to play raids (low level) and help each other with donations. DM me with any questions you may have



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    Hi bud, I´ve made a guild (last saturday) with some friends we were in another guild that only made >T5 raids (so we couldn´t do much, even though we were always in the highest ranks in guild daily activities), so we just got bored and started our own guild (Archfiends) we´re currently like 9 players (6 above or really close to 50s) and the rest are in their 30s..
    So I was wondering if you´d like to join us and start making <T4 raids..
    if you´re interested reply or add me to: 552-854-579.
    We´re mainly from Costa Rica, but don´t mind talking in English
    Enjoy the rest of the holiday season.

    Would you be interested ?
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