Friendly but committed and active guild looking for like minded active players.

Hi all, i'm balldman and leader of the Darthscum guild.

Were a guild of friendly players who have recently started to get into the top 1500 guilds. Were looking for other active players to help push the guild higher up the leaderboard and do more raids.

Really were looking for players that are level 85, however we will consider applications from level 80+ players. We'd also like applicants to have 15+ 7* toons of any level. Were also looking for active friendly players who communicate on the in game chat feature and produce 400+ raid tickets a day. All new recruits will have a 2 week trail period. We also have a Facebook account and our own web site for members to communicate in and would prefer players to join these if possible.

If this sound like you then please respond to this post with you allie code and myself or one the guilds officers will send you an invite. We look forward to raiding with successful applicants in the future.

Cheers Balldman and officers of the Darthscum guild.
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