Casual/hardcore guild recruiting for T7 Tank

21 posts Member
edited January 2017
Hey all, we are a high ranked-level 85 only-guild, looking for a few good level 85 members to join our numbers for heroic Tank.

We are somewhere between casual and hardcore just meaning we don't require a ridiculous amount of time and energy spent in the game on our behalf, we only require 600/600 tickets daily and participation in the raids.

In our guild we focus on helping the weaker active members, while still growing our own rosters in order to achieve a well rounded, powerful guild. Its not just the top members who are constantly getting the top 3 spots every raid.

We clear heroic rancor in about 15-30 minutes at 10 est every other day and there is a 24 hour no damage tag period so everyone gets loot.

We clear normal tank in about an hour and have progressed to the phase 3 portion of heroic but need a few more strong members to take it down.

We are close and I'm confident we'll be where we need by the end of he month if we can add some to our ranks, so if anyone is out there and looking for a fun, casualish guild that is actively pursuing the best content. Hit me up. 758-397-221
Post edited by Tamwyn on


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