Cheaters on vador tie event

5 posts Member
edited January 2017
Hey a dude on my server lvl83 and almost no roster has got more than 7000 pts and for sure could not win a single battle
He is first and is burning awards
What are you doing with cheaters ?


  • SuperMingpo
    5 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Name of the dude : Kutic
    his Guild : UA
    My details : 873-881-958 guild Hexagone Sigma Name Mol Eliza (impossible to change unfortunately)
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    They will do nothing about it...they are on ever server in ever tournament and nothings been done yet.
    I also think if the person has 7* of what ever thexpected tourney is they shouldn't be aloud to enter it. Just like Yoda and Palpatine.
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    By no roster you mean exacly what ? No 5x7* char ?
    Actualy thats all you need, i readed that some spend over 250k ally points per tournament.
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    I reported this guy as well during the tournament but he was left to carry on abusing the system.

    Were you the guy in second place?

    As expected (although I understand they are busy / off) I've not had a response.

    There were about 3 others as well but at least they had the decency to stay out of the top 10.

  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    Has there been any update to this? I really want jyn but not going to go all in unless there are some updates to the system.
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    How do you know he was cheating instead of having a boatload of high tier squads. I got to 4k with 100k ally coins (not too hard to get for tournaments if you do your dailies) with only 2 "decent" squads. If he's a longtime player or whale with 5 or 6 tricked out squads, 7k isn't a stretch at all
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    @FlyingOyster he had only 10 7* with low gear his defense team was the weakest of the top 50
    Arene ranking above 50, 1700 Galactic war battles won means that he has a very young roster.
    In my server he could nt win battles on top 50.
    Having 4K is achievable for everyone
    getting 7 K is a very very very different story since at this level you only win 40 pts per fight
    This is well known that androids players can cheat altering the code

    @CG_LucifersDaddy could you please update me whether you did ban him or not ?? Other players in my server (Vador tie event) did report him as well. All of us were impacted in term of awards
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    Bomroll wrote: »
    I reported this guy as well during the tournament but he was left to carry on abusing the system.

    Were you the guy in second place?

    As expected (although I understand they are busy / off) I've not had a response.

    There were about 3 others as well but at least they had the decency to stay out of the top 10.

    i finished Top 6-10 and was 3rd when I reported him what about you ?
    And dis you get a feedback finally @Bomroll ?

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    Bomroll wrote: »
    I reported this guy as well during the tournament but he was left to carry on abusing the system.

    Were you the guy in second place?

    As expected (although I understand they are busy / off) I've not had a response.

    There were about 3 others as well but at least they had the decency to stay out of the top 10.

    If was the guy i would have been very very angry since he was forcee to expense plenty of ally points and the cheater always did 1 more Fight ... And their 2 rosters was just a ratio of 1 out of 100 in term of power !
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    Bomroll wrote: »
    I reported this guy as well during the tournament but he was left to carry on abusing the system.

    Were you the guy in second place?

    As expected (although I understand they are busy / off) I've not had a response.

    There were about 3 others as well but at least they had the decency to stay out of the top 10.

    i finished Top 6-10 and was 3rd when I reported him what about you ?
    And dis you get a feedback finally @Bomroll ?

    I was top ten and didn't push any further. I reported him on the first day so plenty of time for them to look and take action (although most were probably in holiday).

    I've had no feedback at all which is disappointing but probably about right for this game. In all likelihood he will get a week ban if anything at all then will be back with his 7 / 6 star jyn.

    I complained on the help desk as well but those guys are the worst I've ever seen. They just said to report it on the forums so the deva can look at fixing it.

    They certainly know how to create a great game but they are really poor at looking after the players and I'm fairly sure it will be that will be reason most people leave the game.
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    There are a lot of cheaters, this seem to be one too. However consider that a lot of players concetrate on having multiple powerful characters, not maxing out a few. I've tried focusing on having at least 20 usable characters, and 10-20 more fillups. With those I spent about 400'000 ally points and got a decent place. (getting about 25K ally points daily for a month only for 2 tournaments) Bots are stupid, they are not focusing the same characters, they are the reason why people can defeat higher people.

    That's what's supposed to be dealt with. Bots are terrible and useless to rely on defending your position. When I play against squads in the arena, they all are useless, really easy to kill, because they don't focus fire at all.

    Cheaters will always be present. The best solution would be moving them to their own server, that way they wouldn't create new accounts, if that's possible (I assume it is)
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