Please Sith On My Face is recruiting! :D

3 posts Member
edited January 2017
'Please Sith On My Face' ("Come Honor Chest" was somehow inappropriate) is recruiting - fun, laid back, active, casual or fast dev peeps.

Starting at Tier 1 raids so that people may actually benefit from being in the guild at a lower level to get the items they need to upgrade characters. - You will survive long enough to do damage and receive your upgrade rewards.

- Very friendly and Active -

Have some higher levels as well when you need a friend to wreck a mission you're stuck on. We actually talk to each other, which I have yet to see anywhere else.

Throw me an invite and we'll take care of you.
Ally Code: 155-613-364

Tags: T2, T3, T4, 10+, 20+, 30+, 40+, 50+
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