Guild merge request

Current guild name: Rocklin

Number of members:41 (~25ish active, just haven't dropped the inactives yet; looking to start new guild or merge with another whereas creator is now inactive)

Current Raid Tier: t5 in 1-2 days / t6 in 3-4 days; AAT is ~2wks

Current Raid Timezone:Raid refresh at 3 A.M. CDT / 8 A.M. BST

Chat Application Used:in app chat

What are you looking for in a merge: We are a laid back group of randoms that are midrange to upper players, (we have ~10 level 80+ players, the rest are evenly scattered between 30 - 70). Looking for a group of similar players to merge with that aren't overly serious but do log in and finish ALL daily activities.

PM me.


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