Are you ready for Heroic Tank Raids?

So, you want to make the jump to heroic tank raids, but you don't want to jump into a whale guild where you won't feel appreciated?

The Order of Durasteel can present you with exactly the opportunity you're looking for.

We have a great core group of members, an active and helpful chat, strong donations, and a great atmosphere. Our core members are a mix of F2P and small spenders. We may not be whales, but we've got some strong rosters on our team, and we are extremely active.

We do heroic rancor raids (obv) and are gearing up to make the jump to heroic AAT raids. We have a few vacancies, and we're looking for a few new members who are ready to grow to heroic with us.

If you're interested or you have any questions, please feel free to post here or PM me.


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