Squad Advice- who to farm for arena

Hi there. New to the website and wanted to pick your brains on squad strategy.

I currently finish 3-4 in my shard with(all 7 stars with 5 star mods):
Lando(L)- 80, G9, maxed out
Biggs- 80, G8, maxed CiA, Level 7
Wedge- 80, G8, Level 7 except for unique and leader
Palp- 80, G9(1 day away from G10), Level 7 with top two, still developing unique
And then alternate as my 5th:
QGJ-80, G9, Lvl 7, Quick Strike maxed
Bobba- 80, G8, Level 6

I run into problems with teams with STH or CHAZE. The guy who finishes #1 in my shard runs Rex, Chaze, Rey & Sun Fac.

I'm thinking my issues is I don't have a tank who taunts to direct fire to allow the big guns to do their damage.

Planning on investing some resources into developing a good debuffer or taunter. Who would you develop to best compliment this team?

STH- 79, 79/100 stars, needs att&abil developed, only G6

Or Baze, B2 or TFP that need a lot of resources. B2 is 6 star, TFP is 4 and Baze is 5. All low gears, attack and mods.

Thanks in advance!

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