Which Cantina Battle to Farm?

303 posts Member
edited January 2017
Ok, so I've got a question. Do I farm cantina battle 1E or 5F. They both contain Lando. And you might be thinking: 'Well if he wants Lando do 1E, say drop rate but less cost.' But I'm also currently farming Fives for my raid and clone teams. Additionally, as there's little way to get them, I am also in desperate need of fleet credits. And 5F supplies them. I have a rebel team but have not got Lando to fit in his deserved position. My guild is about to start raids, and I also don't want to fall behind in that, or fleet arena! Considering I'm F2P and I am averaging a top 5 finish in fleet arena, but I won't be able to hold that position as I can't even level up my characters!! And if it's worth noting, I'm averaging 50-150 Arena Rank. So what should I do?

Edit: If you can give me a reason on what you believe please do :)
Post edited by DemonLeprech4un on

Which Cantina Battle to Farm? 6 votes

Farm 1E
Remington_EwingFlamethrowDeayJookaa 4 votes
Farm 5F
CF_Jedi1234 1 vote
Do 50/50 i.e. one day 5F, next 1E
Aleb93 1 vote
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