Guild looking for lower lvl players (Line app mandatory)

I am building a t3 t4 guild for lower level players as a farm guild for a strong t5 t6 guild.

Line app will be mandatory to stay in guild.

We are a casual guild interested in helping lower lvl players grow, however we do have a handful of rules.

1. 5 days of inactivity without notifying an officer or guild leader will result in a ban.
2. Min. raid ticket contribution of 600 tickets per WEEK, not per day.
3. Racism, bullying and harassment of any kind will NOT be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.

Other then that we just have a few rules for raiding.

1. Only one person in the raids at a time, this is to ensure all dmg is counted and none gets wasted.
2. Depending on what tier the raid is there will be a lvl cap for the first reset to ensure everyone gets a chance to get on the board.

If you are interested comment with your ally code and I will send you an invite


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