Republic Characters

I've just been looking through all of the playable characters on the game. There's a filter for republic characters, but there is currently none playable or unlockable.

Any ideas who could or will be released??
Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.


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    I think the filter is just in there to cover republic ships. I've not seen anything covering any current or new characters that might receive a republic tag so far.
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    I'm personally hoping that we receive some republic characters. Padme in particular. But the tag could also be given to Jedi and clones. They've tagged about 8 characters in game with separatist tags now, so I'm hoping we get some more separatists characters and some leader abilities just for them.
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    Only Jedi from Ep. 1-3. Old Ben would not be appropriate.
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