How wrong it's for a mid-level player to stop a toon at 5* and start to farm other?

Hi, guys! I'm a new player (started playing like 20 days ago) and I love this game. Followed a few guides to start with (kind of think they were a little bit outdated) and now I'm thinking about going to a different direction, but I'm a little afraid, since I've always read here that farming multiple toons or stopping to farm in the middle of it is a waste of time.
Well, the thing is:
QGJ is amazing, but I'm thinking about leaving him at 5* and start to farm Boba. Same goes for Phasma, leave her at 5* and start to farm Biggs. Would that be a huge problem or those toons are good at 5* and going for something "better" is a better option?

And btw, since Lando is slowly getting out of the meta, is it wise for me to farm him anyway or should I just go for something else? (Thinking about using a Wiggs/Lando/Boba/STH team (yes, I know, it's not really original, but well, it works))

(All those strange toons like Urrro'r, Jedi Guardian and Barriss (this one I'm really happy with) I got from Bronziums)

PS: No, I won't re-roll my account and start again, already got the crystal subscription and I'm happy with my account, just wondering what would be the better route


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    I would unlock the toons you plan to use in arena and then take them up to 7*. So if qgj and boba are in your arena team, get both then take one to 7* then the other.

    You'll still need lando for credit heist and palp event even if he isn't top tier arena anymore
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    When you first start this game you need 10 toons.

    5 LS & 5 DS.

    I personally think early progression goes much faster if you star all 10 to 5* at about the same time before taking anyone to 7*.

    It takes 95 shards to get a toon from 3-5. It takes 185 shards to go from 5-7. So basically in the early game you are sacrificing two additional 5* squad members while you take one to 7...

    Once you get the 10 person squad to 5*, then decide which 5 you want to use in the arena. Raise these up to 6* all at the same time. Once again, you can take two toons from 5-6 in the time it takes to move one from 5-7.
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    Those sound like reasonable changes in direction. It's better to cut your losses early, as long as you don't do it very often.
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    Yeah I think you are fine, it's not like you farmed useless toons.

    I'm only lvl 74, so I didn't start that long ago and I personally stuck with QGJ and just today unlocked Boba (since QGJ is 7* now). QGJ isn't even in my arena squad while I sure would love to have Boba. What I'm trying to say is, unless raid participation is an issue (in terms of numbers of 6/7* toons), it's perfectly fine to switch over to Boba. You sure want that bad boy. Pretty much a must-have now I'd say.

    Also stick to Lando farming, he's still awesome and will be for a long while I assume. He's a scoundrel and a rebel so you can only win, really.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    I would keep forming them and get them to 7 stars. They're quick farms and you would just have to finish them later
  • Twin
    527 posts Member
    You will just lose time and maybe some resources if you drop in arena or something. You are very early in the game and can recover a few changes.

    I would play it by ear. If your 5* QGJ is working for you then switch to Boba... you can switch back if you need to.

    The biggest mistake is putting too many resources in near useless toons. Both QGJ and Boba are useful in a number of areas so you will not be wasting much trying to shift farms around.

    If anything keeping your toons similar power will allow you to 3* events more allowing you to sim them.
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    QGJ and Phasma are very good toons, as is boba and Biggs.

    My personal preference since I very first started playing is if I start a character I make sure to finish it off at 7. All down to personal preference really.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I would unlock the toons you plan to use in arena and then take them up to 7*. So if qgj and boba are in your arena team, get both then take one to 7* then the other.

    You'll still need lando for credit heist and palp event even if he isn't top tier arena anymore


    Also want to add qgj is one of the most used toons in many areas of the game, you will finish him late I am sure.
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    Lando is a must and will really serve you well when you have a rebels team with Wedge lead. Biggs is a no brained also. Good news is Boba and QGJ will both be useful for a long time.

    Most arena teams in the 70s are wedge, Biggs, Lando, STH and a fifth. Boba and QGJ are both good as that fifth. I personally used Ackbar until I unlocked 7 star palpatine. 7 star your arena team first.
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    Lando is a must and will really serve you well when you have a rebels team with Wedge lead. Biggs is a no brained also. Good news is Boba and QGJ will both be useful for a long time.

    Most arena teams in the 70s are wedge, Biggs, Lando, STH and a fifth. Boba and QGJ are both good as that fifth. I personally used Ackbar until I unlocked 7 star palpatine. 7 star your arena team first.

    Also, Lando can carry a credit heist team, and puts you one step closer to getting that 7* Palpatine (you need 5 rebels for that event).

    Even if he isn't max level meta anymore I would still agree with @Just_Me_Not_You and call him a must farm.

    Have Fun!
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    Shard farming is much slower in early game. Those last two stars require more shards than the first 5! That feels like forever when you first start. Since you absolutely must expand your roster to finish LS/DS battles, I think temporarily moving on to farm another hero is an acceptable and necessary course of development. Just don't spread out too much before getting back to Qui-Gon. He is one of the best heroes from Cantina Shipments. Go get some Boba and come back to Qui-Gon when Boba is 5*.
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    Thanks for all the answer! Played a lot of games in my life and I think this is the one with the most helpful community, as I can see...

    About Lando: I'll start farming him tomorrow (I need 2 shards to 7* GS, but already did 2 refreshes today), thanks!

    About QGJ: I'll leave him with 5* and go full on Boba. If I see I'm falling behind in Arena (my main objective is just a top50 everyday), I'll go back to him, if I'm not, I'll farm Boba until his 5* as QGJ and then decide which one I'll 7* first

    About Biggs: Well, Phasma is good, but Biggs is such a fast farm (you get 15 shards per day on GS, there are the Hard Nodes and you can even get him in Cantina Battles) that I think I'll do the same as stated above, get him to 5* too and then decided which one I'll 7* first

    And since I'm already, I'll take this opportunity to raise another question, this time about mods:
    How much Cantina Energy should I spend in mods at this moment? Right now I have a total of 1 mod (the one you need to get to pass the tutorial). Should I farm a whole day for weak 1* mods just to complete a set for my arena characters or is that energy better spent in shards farming? Don't really know if a weak 1* mod set is really worth....
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    Yes, fill your arena squad with whatever mod you can get. Since mod battles let you choose the shape of the mod you want to farm, it shouldn't take too long. You shouldn't need more than that until you hit level 70-80 when you can attempt for Tier 3 Health mods.
    I would advise to not farm heavily on 1* or 2* mods as they aren't worth the time/energy but mods do greatly boost your chances in winning in comparison to those who don't have mods.
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    Mod farm lightly. By the time you are 75 you will throw away everything but 4 and 5 star. I would focus on characters.

    You do need to beat all three tiers of the health and defense challenges to unlock the higher tier mods at some point. For getting mods the best thing to do is buy the mod packs for crystals when they appear. Best bang for buck item in the game.

    As for the comments about LS and DS battles. I would not focus on those. I didn't get a DS team until a couple weeks ago lvl 75. Too hard to be spread so thin early. Focus on arena team of rebels and then you can get to top 20 in arena and beat GW every day. Then you will have the juice to farm DS and other whims you get. Same with ships. You need enough ships to place high in arena but don't worry about diversity right now.
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    I'll chime in here...farming biggs seems a waste without wedge. YEAH he has a ship and is a solid tune but I would consider wedge from ship shop while you get strong enough to reach his cantina node. I never....never lose gw with wedge leading the way replenishing everyone's life when they critical. That said you need all rebels for that...

    So a possible 10 wedge shards a day if they show up in the shop...unlocked in 8 days...unless you earn more than the minimum in ship credit.

    Qgj is solid. I agree with switching to boba for now with lando and I would farm sth from arena. Then you only need 2 more scoundrels for credit heists...chewy is am easy choice since you have him from day 1. 1 more needed...cad bane is possible...but he can wait if you want or dengue from guilds. You'll need credits soon.
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    You'll want to have a good team to 6 stars by 80 so you can do raiding and of course a 7 star by 85. And this game does do well with long term goals. So yeah feel free to shelve things now and then. A good scoundrel team can keep the credits flowing much better so getting boba is a good idea. And so is getting the wiggs combo... I wish I had done that when I reach the point I could farm wedge.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    I would get them to 7*, so that if there is the chance to do heroic raids you can participate.
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    I can't express how much I appreciate all the help I'm getting, you guys are amazing, thanks! :)

    As I said, I'll get Lando/Boba/Biggs now, and then decide which of them I'll 7* first (QGJ or Boba and Phasma or Biggs) and I'll be farming a bit of mods, just to mod my arena squad.
    Just one last question: How much should I upgrade this 1*/2* mods in getting to my arena? Just I go all in and upgrade them to lvl 15?

    Thanks again!
  • EventineElessedil
    6171 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    MaTucci wrote: »
    I can't express how much I appreciate all the help I'm getting, you guys are amazing, thanks! :)

    As I said, I'll get Lando/Boba/Biggs now, and then decide which of them I'll 7* first (QGJ or Boba and Phasma or Biggs) and I'll be farming a bit of mods, just to mod my arena squad.
    Just one last question: How much should I upgrade this 1*/2* mods in getting to my arena? Just I go all in and upgrade them to lvl 15?

    Thanks again!

    Level 15 or bust. Also: Crit Damage/Crit Chance sets are your very, very dear friends for Lando. Highly effective even at 1* with the L15 set bonus,
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    You'll want one 7* toon to participate in heroic raids once you join a guild that is doing them. FYI.
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    I watched the video made by Warrior on youtube about mods and I think I got it hahah.
    Thanks for the answers!
    And Nikka, I already have GS 7*, that's why I'm not so fixated about getting them to 7* too
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