Unable to upgrade Ahsoka's ship's Reflexive Shot

11 posts Member
edited January 2017
I just upgraded Ahsoka's ship to Level 78 but can't seem to upgrade Reflexive Shot. The Upgrade button is grayed out even though I have enough materials and the ship is the required level. Anyone else experience this issue with upgrading ship abilities?



  • waveform
    11 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Update: I guess it took awhile for the level change to propagate - after several (10?) minutes the Upgrade button was activated.

    Update 2: Totally missed the fact that it was due to (temporarily) not having enough ship credits to upgrade yet! On a dim phone screen was unclear what I needed to do once the bright and obvious level requirement text went away. A similar message for insufficient credits would help make it more obvious for un-observant n00bs who like it dim like me lol


    Post edited by waveform on
  • Elleby
    13 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Looking at the screenshots it appears you had an issue with currency. The upgrade button says you need 12,500 while you had only 5,240.

    In the screenshot where it is working your currency was at 88.7k.

    And I see that you noticed that and edited your post while I was comparing mine.
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