
Has anyone worked on ugnaught? Is he useful at all in the aat raids? Says he strong against droids but I'm unsure.
How would you mod him if he is useful
Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.


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    He preforms alright in p3, I haven't found a great team with him yet but he has good crowd control with his AOE stun and is hard to kill. I feel there is potential there it just a matter of figuring it out. If you are bored I'm he is worth the farm but there are better option out there right now.
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    I've 7* him already just dno if worth working on his gear etc
    Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    My Ug is at the tipping point now. Lvl 72, G8, 3 pieces to G9 and 6*. I'd like to test him in a P3 squad, but haven't been able to time that with the AAT raids yet. Hoping to get a chance before I pour too much into him.
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