Sim tickets and cantina

I recently unlocked Barrises cantina level, and I'm so close to unlocking her. I was wondering if it would increase shard chances to sim battles individually, or spam all my cantina nrg in one go. Any help would be greatly appreciated, ty.


  • Zabak
    165 posts Member
    Don't do it in one go ;) I usually do it 3-5 at the same time it's better this way...
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    It's all the same, I think. I used to think it was better to do it in smaller amounts (3-5 at a time), but I went on a bad streak and decided to switch to doing them all at once, and I can honestly tell you that it is the same, it feels the same... Sometimes good, sometimes bad. In the end, it's all the same!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    I sim per 2. Mainly because it's okay if you don't get anything from only 2 sims, but you won't have long streaks (2, 2, 2, 2 etc.) without getting something. 3 should also work, but not getting something with 2x4 would peep me off more than 4x2 without getting something. I jedi mind trick myself on the regular.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • crzydroid
    7398 posts Moderator
    It should be the same. Only time I refuce is when I'm close to finishing. I then always just do the number of shards I have left, and step it down as I get more.
  • Options
    It's all the same. Track it over a large enough sample size and it's 33% if you spam it, do them manually, do a couple at a time, wear your clothes inside out, do it under a ladder while smashing mirrors, whatever. It doesn't matter.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    I always multi sim the most I am able to do.
    And as you can tell by my swgoh account I am doing completely fine
  • Options
    The rumour multi simming is bad is one of the biggest fallacies on this forum. Yes there are times where you don't get much out of 20 battles. Just like there are times when you get nothing single simming 20 nodes in a row. Multi sim away.

  • Options
    You can use 2 sims 10 times and get 4. Or you can do all 20 sims and only get 4. Depends how many times you like being let down.
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