Looking for 1-3 new players. Must be level 85 and have line.

We are still trying to tackle Heroic Tank Raids, we did our first attempt recently but aren't quite there yet.

Looking for players level 85 that has at least 2 solid teams to use in Heroic Tank Raid. We hope to try and tackle it again in about a month, or sooner if we get the right players. Normal Tank Raid we complete in less than a day.

Rancor Raid we have a 24 hour time for people to register with 1 character doing less than 10,000 damage. Then at 3:00pm EST the next day everyone is allowed 1 team attack. These rules will more than likely change in the future, because this raid as of now generally doesn't last an hour.

Try to connect with me on the line app at cypher82 or through these fourms.


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