Looking for Warriors

Our guild has decided to expand to two guilds, both of which will need new/quality friendly active members, got yr attention? Please read on!

The first guild is our Heroic tank guild. This guild is for level 85 players with approximately 40+ 7* toons or over with the great synergies needed to defeat the Heroic tank raid.

The second guild will be our Developmental Guild. It is intended for players level 65+ with a few 7* toons capable of assisting in defeating Heroic Pit Raids, and the Normal Tank Raid.

Both guilds will require members to be active daily (generating your 600 tickets through activities) and have line app for communication.

If you're interested in joining either guild, please private message me


  • Options
    Currently 15 herioc members in our herioc guild so looking to get as many new herioc people in as quickly as possible we are very dedicated and want this guild to b very strong
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  • Options
    Still approx 10 spaces in development guild for anyone who is active and has at least 1 x 7* toon and
    Approx 30 spaces left in herioc guild, we will take merges into our guild and are happy to discuss terms we don't run a dictatorship but move into another guild due to our numbers as we want to keep the links (promotions etc) between our 2 guilds
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