Just started playing and looking for a guild to grow in?

48 posts Member
edited March 2017
We are a small but extreamly friendly Guild. We're addicted to the game and everyone is evolving fast. We are 49 dedicated players (Eurpean and Canadian) levels between 30-85.

We are rotating pit raids 4-5-6 (with 0dmg the first 24h so everyone can get some awards). If you are in the top 5 (in the tier 4-5 raids, you need to hold back the next raid tier 45 raids).

We use groupeme as Communication app and the focus is to evolve as a team and have fun.

If you Think this sounds like something you would like to join - send me a pm!
Post edited by Angelika on


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    We are 8 players and lvls between 65-85 :)

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    Still looking - a merge can be interesting (if we can keep our guildname)

    We are about to launch our first tierV Rancoor raid :)
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    We're 11 players in this awesome Guild, but we need a few more.

    We got: Swedish, Dutch, German and Candian players. We welcome everyone. Im a lvl85 player and we got two more of those.. the rest is between 27 and up..

    We got cookies..
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    oh my gawd its hard to compete with everyone here. I just need a few more players to join so we can collect raid tickets a bit faster.

    We are doing lvl5 Rancoor raids at the moment with no rush to move to a higher level yet.

    Do you want to play for fun with no pressure- join us in the CookieGalaxy
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    We have 15 members.. but need a few more to collect raid tickets a bit faster.

    Send me a pm if you think this sounds like a guild for you
  • Lebic
    105 posts Member
    Hello, we are also european-canadian guild and doing t6 now and aiming to do heroic in a week or two. If you are looking for merging, just send me pm or add me via line (lebic05). We have alternate raid times for both european and canadian players (gmt-mst) We can find a common ground about being officer etc.
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    22 members and growing.. still looking for a few more.
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    We are doing Tier5 Rancoor raids and those awful Tank Takedowns (I don't like GG :p)

    Join us and we can kill Rancoor and General G faster ;)
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    Bump as we need a couple more members!
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    26 members - and slowly growing..
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    29 mambers..but still need a few more
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    31.. still looking. :)
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    We have one spot open - and currently we are on a tier 6 pit raid.
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