First Order tweaks (Not complete overhaul, just minor tweaks)

Alright, in regard of the recent announcements hyping the Dark Side, I had a little bit of fun trying to tweak the First Order faction to make it more viable. I posted that mostly for fun (I don't think any dev will ever take that in consideration) on the swgoh subreddit and it sparked some interesting comments about gameplay and also the SW movies, so I post here again because these comments were neato and I'd like to hear more what people have to say in general about the FO, not just about the suggested tweaks.

So yeah, it's mostly small tweaks, not complete overall, because I think it's easier and I think the First Order have quite interesting kit already.

Kylo Ren
What's wrong with him? Lack synergy with First Order outside the Phasma Lead Ability, underwhelming in the damage output department and got screwed up by the introduction of protection.
Suggested tweaks:
  • Ragged Cut : Mostly the same as before, but 50% increase in damage. Also, when assisting/attacking outside his turn, Ragged Cut dispell buff on the enemy target.
  • Outrage : Currently, this ability gets a buff (75% increase) in damage as soon as Kylo falls under 50% health. It was fine before protection was introduced, nowadays it's useless. This buff needs to trigger as soon as Kylo falls uner 100% health instead. In addition, if Kylo has advantage, Outrage daze the target. That way, Kylo have a synergy with the "advantage gimmick" of the First Order Faction.

First Order Officer
What's wrong with him? Good on paper, mediocre at best in reality.
Suggested tweaks:
  • Marching Order : Make it so that we can chose the ally we want to boost, instead of being random. Just the way we can chose which ally to target in the Ships Battle (like JC's Starfighter Stabilize Ability). Suddenly FOO becomes way more useful.

First Order Stormtrooper
What's wrong with him? Borderline useless tank. Non threatening and there's no penalty leaving him last. We need to find a way to make him a prority target. (Maybe being a bit more creative than by taunt)
Suggested tweaks:
  • Return Fire : In addition of the current counter chance: Each time an ally dies, FOS gains +10% offense, and regain +5% health gain at the start of each of his turn (it adds up). That way, if the opponent kill the 4 others allies first, he will regain 20% of his max health each turn and have +40% offense. That, combined with his Counter-chance, should makes him more threatening. People would be forced to focus on him. Maybe you can take one or two character out before him (killing FOO or FOTP first, for instance) but after that, it would be risky to kill other character before him.

Another user suggested a taunt when FOST assist and that this assist would not make him lose advantage if he had it. It's also a neat idea, imo, that could work well.
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