Phasma Fusillade Bug

23 posts Member
edited January 2016
So when I am facing/using Captain Phasma and she uses Fusillade on my characters, especially if they have foresight going (Rey), if the attack is dodged, the speed down effect is still applied. Is there a verified bug or is it part of the move for Phasma even if she misses because it is extremely annoying and costing me some matches
Post edited by Sniperchief on


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    It's not just on Phasma. Many times I will see a status effect applied even when the character misses.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    There's a bugs and issues forum where this would probably belong better.
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    Done. And yeah there are a lot of other bugs, this one has just been the most noticeable recently for me.
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    Not sure if this really is a bug. I think dodging is just more dynamically in this game than in others. Sometimes you dodge most of the damage, but not the special effects. Sometimes you resist the special effects, but still suffer damage. Don't see anything wrong with that.
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    Well it seems to hit all of my characters at once, that's the thing. I don't know just my two cents I guess. If they dodge the attack entirely, why would a detrimental effect still apply? Dodging an attack or deflecting an attack would still could as resisting the effects no? Another problem is like Kylo Ren still applying the DOT after missing an attack. The concept just doesn't make sense to me. For example, if we see Dooku, we don't see him stunning a character if his lightning is deflected; it will never stun if it is missed. There seem to be selective moves where they are bugged like the ones mentioned above.
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