Boba fett team

I'm trying to create a team around my boba fett, I want to have it be a debuff team so I can do big damage with fett and Vader this my idea so far.

Palpatine lead / team stun
Boba fett / team ability block and execute
Darth Vader/ team dot and cull blade
Darth sidious/ team dot and heal block

The other characters I'm thinkingredients of using is
Old Ben the block ability
Captain plasma because of the team slow and thenot a team boost
Tie fighter pilot for the tenacity down.

Who would be best or are there other characters I didn't list that would be helpful?


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    Gamorean guard for more dots maybe
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    how about putting boba as lead and throwing lando in there along with vader? lando's aoe damage with boba lead is sick
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    btw i play the same stratergy. boba needs to be fast. get his ability block before the opponent ability blocker. i have countered your strategy by using lumi to block vader in the first turn, so i can thin out the glasscannons before turn 2. it's worked fairly well
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    btw i play the same stratergy. boba needs to be fast. get his ability block before the opponent ability blocker. i have countered your strategy by using lumi to block vader in the first turn, so i can thin out the glasscannons before turn 2. it's worked fairly well

    Yeah I used to do that with lumi and now I just use yoda to pump up my tenacity and then use lumi to ability block the next round and by then I can usually knock out Vader before his culling blade
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    Boba lead with a fast TFP could be potentially devastating as well. Something like Boba (L), TFP, Lando, Tank, & 5th. With TFP you could get out Ability Block on almost every team but droids, then you would have a dispell/ability block with Boba and big damage with Lando. Maybe use Shore or a fast STHan for the tank and have Anakin for a 5th and I know I would hate running into that squad.
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    Darlex11 wrote: »
    Boba lead with a fast TFP could be potentially devastating as well. Something like Boba (L), TFP, Lando, Tank, & 5th. With TFP you could get out Ability Block on almost every team but droids, then you would have a dispell/ability block with Boba and big damage with Lando. Maybe use Shore or a fast STHan for the tank and have Anakin for a 5th and I know I would hate running into that squad.

    Are there ways to farm for a shore?
  • Drax_77
    1076 posts Member
    Shore is only available in shipments atm, 4 shards for 320 crystals or 8 shards for 640
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    I run boba lead tfp palp, they have a lot of damage and utility, works very well.
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    Maljr1980 wrote: »
    Gamorean guard for more dots maybe

    This sounds good as you need a taunter in your squad. Boba/Sidious will not last long otherwise.

    GG is more of an offensive tank though and isn't really worth the time investing in him especially now with people stockpiling speed mods on speed crit characters. Passive tank would be better, so I would probably add in Shoretrooper to at least provide 1 x debuff of c.chance down and give c.hit immunity while giving a passive taunt.
  • Rotor
    473 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    You can use RG for stun/taunt, HOT/Defense up or if looking for DOTs Gam Gam but he's slow. I think the OP is trying to maximize Boba and Vader damage with negative status effects. Lando wouldn't be a good fit.

    Siduis works best onces he's Zeta...
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