No chat app. No raid rules. Lv85

I'm a lv 85 player with over 36 maxed g7+ toons who just wants to have a good time and not be bogged down by a whole bunch of raid rules and having to get on extra chat apps. Looking for a new guild to join. Any ideas?


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    Been looking. Seems everyone is using chat apps like line or discord. Just don't feel the need to get that involved.
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    Decaf, you trying to do heroic raids?

    Currently I feel like I have a perfect guild for you... but I worry about the transition to heroic aat. We currently no rules essentially, but heroic aat is a different beast
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    I'm all for coordination. Just having chat apps and then in game chat. Just too much. I'm in a guild. We do heroic rancor easily and almost to heroic tank. We get to p3. Problem is rules are out of control and they are constantly threatening to kick people. Just looking for something more easy going.
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    Hi. Guardians of the Gray is a new guild. We're relaxed active casual play. We chat pleasantly on the chat function but no other modes of communication. We will also do a variety of raid levels based on gear needed by members. Most of our members are 85 level but we are open to all levels. We play to relax and have fun. Chatting is completely optional. Guild code 728-551-358.
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    Decaf - some of us use the app to organize and socialize. You put into it what you get out of it. If you want an easy-going guild that is light on the rules but tries to be fair to all they do exist. But not all of the organized ones are hardcore.
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    Allies of the Force is a new, small, relaxed, active guild that is trying to grow. Current roster is only 3/50 and we are currently running The Pit Tier V and normal Tank Takedown(though they take us awhile with our current guild numbers). No rules, open to join, just level 50 minimum. Really just some fans trying to grow our squads and have some fun. If interested just let me know. Good luck and may the force be with you, always.

    Ally Code: 959-123-359
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    ljcool110 wrote: »
    Decaf - some of us use the app to organize and socialize. You put into it what you get out of it. If you want an easy-going guild that is light on the rules but tries to be fair to all they do exist. But not all of the organized ones are hardcore.

    Agreed. We require all members to be in our Line group, but you aren't required to talk. But we have an announcements tab that helps keep things organized. In game chat doesn't update fast enough and is just not as easy to coordinate and share strategy with
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    Thanks for all the feedback. Understand why some use chat apps, its just not my thing. I can be fairly chatty, but personally don't like the going back and forth. In game is not the greatest, but its good enough for me. I'm an everyday player who enjoys playing just for the fun of it. I'm not hardcore, but do like good competition. Guilds can be tough as the ones Ive been in have either been way too into it or not into it at all. But I think I may have found one that fits me. Good luck everyone!
  • Peanut
    87 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Tried to comment when you posted but it wouldn't work for some read on, just going to say you can join us no chat apps all friendly all dancing I'm also from uk currently and we have usa peeps but hey if you found one hope is well!!
    If they don't have HAAT then swing a message over this way we just broke the banks so could use few more decent squads to ease the struggle,
    Good luck
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