Join MooMoobrothers today all are welcome

73 posts Member
edited January 2017
Fairly new built clan need active and friendly players for the raids and stuff send a private message and join by looking for us by adding me as a ally and join allied guild my ally code is 893-657-929 and apply thx for reading this and thx for everyone for joining NimkeMooMoo leader from the MooMoobrothers guild signing off my discord is NimkeMooMoo#9417 the reason why I made this clan is to have new people in it or whoever if you help out ill give out a couple ranks to people who are willing to help out. Donate and ask for parts the best you can. If you want to contact me I'm on discord my discord server is have fun star wars fans and players my line is NimkeMooMoo if you want to contact me. we got 5 people in our community help us by joining up and help spread of our community. Need officers to help me recruit some members and help out
Post edited by NimkeMooMoo on


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