Who is still looking ...

3 posts Member
edited January 2017
Looking for newcomers, :)

My guild Strachatella Troopers are looking for members.
There are no duties as to separate separately Messengers like Line.
It is also not necessary to reach 600 tickets daily.
I and my current members are great Swgoh fans and we have fun.
Anyone looking for a guild is welcome at the Troopers. We are a German / English speaking guild.Raid regularly by arrangement between 7pm and 8pm.
Time zone: UTC + 1: 00
We are still very young as a guild, I hope there still exist newcomers in the Star Wars universe.:)
Who you click on the link.
Get my allied code. :)
From stage 22 onwards is an advantage.
I hope & look for new members. Although we are not yet many members but gives the guild a chance and decide for the Troopers. :)
Post edited by Strachatella on


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