Best arena squad using these 14 characters

I've been using Lando (L), Wedge, Biggs, STH and QGJ for a while now, but even though they are all fast and powerful, I'm starting to find it difficult to remain in the top50. My 14 strongest characters are these:

Geonosian soldier
Emperor Palpatine
Boba Fett

What in your opinion is the strongest arena team I can put together using these characters?


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    Wedge (L), Biggs, lando, sth, boba fett/Palpatine/RG
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    Replace QGJ by boba or palp, depending of who you face
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    It depends on who you're facing.

    If you're going against another Wiggs team, I'd go:
    Lando(l), Wedge, Biggs, STH and Boba

    Lando gives everyone speed bonus which means you strike first and take out their best toon. Speed mod up Boba who also gets speed bonus and he can block next best toon. STH taunts and then you decimate the rest of their team.

    If you're going against a dark side team, I'd throw Akbar in their to remove negative effects from Vader.

    If you're going up against a team that has double taunters, then I may sub QGJ so both he and Boba can neutralize their taunt.

    Also, thinking about end game and the next revolution of the meta:

    Start developing B2 to go against Chaze teams
    Start building up your empire team with the new toons coming out. I'd look at TFP and/or DV
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