Perk system

Does anyone else think it would be cool if we had like a perk system, you could get perk points for promoting characters or going up a gear level or something like that, then you could use those points to get rewards like more xp from battles or more credits or things like that. You could also get temporary perks that could get things like double drops and stuff for a limited time. The perks could cost a few points then get more expensive as you keep progressing through the tiers. You could also buy points if you wanted them faster, I think it would make the game more interesting and they could get more money to help make the game better, it's a win-win situation I think


  • crzydroid
    7395 posts Moderator
    edited January 2017
    You do get perks for that. They're called, "promoting characters," and, "going up a gear level."
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    And for 106.99 you get a perk of a vault of crystals. That would be the prevalent mindset at EA HQ.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    You do get perks for that. They're called, "promoting characters," and, "going up a gear level."
    That's not quite what I meant
  • crzydroid
    7395 posts Moderator
    edited January 2017
    Well, what did you mean? I'm really, really confused by this post. Perks programs are usually there to give an added incentive to do something. Like "buy 12 large coffees and get one free." You could go to a different shop, you could get medium coffee, you could just not get coffee, etc. So they offer an incentive.

    I don't know anyone who would refuse to gear or star toons if they had the resources. You're already doing it anyway. Plus, they kind of already do have perks for some of those things in the form of achievements. At the beginning of the game you get Vader shards for promoting so many characters or unlocking x number of light and dark toons.

    The perks system would have to be something like, "Buy [x] crystal packs and get 1 million free credits" or a fully crafted stun cuffs or something. Although it would probably be Chewie shards. But they already do various discounts at different times of year.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    Well, what did you mean? I'm really, really confused by this post. Perks programs are usually there to give an added incentive to do something. Like "buy 12 large coffees and get one free." You could go to a different shop, you could get medium coffee, you could just not get coffee, etc. So they offer an incentive.

    I don't know anyone who would refuse to gear or star toons if they had the resources. You're already doing it anyway. Plus, they kind of already do have perks for some of those things in the form of achievements. At the beginning of the game you get Vader shards for promoting so many characters or unlocking x number of light and dark toons.

    The perks system would have to be something like, "Buy [x] crystal packs and get 1 million free credits" or a fully crafted stun cuffs or something. Although it would probably be Chewie shards. But they already do various discounts at different times of year.

    I guess I didn't explain well enough, that was just supposed to be a way to earn the points but you could do different things other than that, I'm not sure if there's much else to earn them from though. You would then use those points to buy perks that would might allow you to get cheaper promotions or make training cheaper, things like that
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    Aren't they called Achievements and or Daily Activities?
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