In need of 2 players - Level 85 (Rancor Heroic on Farm/ Soon to attempt ATT Heroic again)

219 posts Member
edited January 2017
Looking for 2 players level 85+

Chat app Line is required. My id is cypher82 best to catch me there, but you can communicate through this forum or personal message on this forum, it just may take longer for me to respond.

Must have at least 2, 7* Teams with gear level of 9 on average(a team of gear 10 and a team of gear 8 works) at minimum to be used in ATT Heroic Raid. We may make exceptions, not all of our players currently meet this requirement, but over half do.

Must be active 500+ Guild Raid Coins daily. (Although most of us do 600. We understand people can't necessarily get on every single day, on going, sometimes vacations, work, family comes up.)

Rancor Raid times are at 3:00pm EST. First 24 hours are just a check in, attack with your weakest 7* for 0 damage. After 24 hours, its all out.

Current ATT Normal raids have no specific start time at the moment, but normally happen late morning, on the day we have enough coins to launch. Raid is over normally in about 16 hours.

We are hoping to attempt ATT Heroic again in 3-4 weeks. We attempted 3 weeks ago, but couldn't make it. We've put full focus on raid teams since, as well as have recruited some better players for the raid.

We have some pretty active members on the chat app, we don't expect people to be, just that they check it to see if there are any modifications to rules, and to be able to communicate about raids ect. We blast this through the games chat, but its easy to miss.

Checkout some of our guild stats here
Post edited by MP83_Cypher on


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