Foresight bug

I have QGJ zeta which gives the 3 jedi i use foresight at the start of a battle but obviously not the 2 rebels that i use with them. When i face a Vader Zeta team the enemy TFP has his turn first with the AOE and somehow removes TM from my Jedi. I understand the TM removal from my rebels but my Jedi shouldnt be effected by this. At first i assumed it was working as intended as the Vader zeta states that it cant be resisisted but upon further reading i noticed it states that it gives an X amount chance to remove TM when they DAMAGE an enemy and this cant be resisted. As TFP isnt damaging my Jedi he shouldnt remove TM. I was going to do further testing to see if i used a full jedi squad it would have the same effect and still be bugged or whether the bug is due to me having the 2 rebels on my team which is somehow causing TM to be removed from my jedi also but I havent had time. Please could you clarify that this is a bug or is working as intended and bad wording on vaders leader ability.
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