Looking for Arena friends - DenHarry, JediMasterPimp, JanaSaberael, NotcisSinclaire

10 posts Member
edited April 2017
Hopefully some of you are on here :)
Post edited by DenHarry on


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    Hi I'm here, currently #4, was looking for shardmates as well. I've found JediMasterPimp, zTekkz2, Jaminspace, and you so far.
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    Hey I'm part of your shard as well. Who else have you guys found? Also what do you guys think is the time frame for our shard? Jan/Feb 17?
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    Sup guys! I'm on discord with stimulant and Jana. Feel free to add me

    JediMasterPimp {LeadANH-GGC}#7472

    I started around January 30th. I look forward to chatting with y'all!
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    Hey! I believe we are in a Jan2017 Shard.

    My discord is #1436

    My app won't let me add people :(
  • Copes
    36 posts Member
    Hey guys, I'm not as high ranked as you guys (currently Rank 35, tend to fluctuate between 30 and 50) but I'm climbing. If I ever reach a point where we can work together to coordinate payouts you can reach me on the forums. :)
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    Welcome Copes :) keep working hard I'm sure you'll get there. Would love it if we could ever get to a point where we could trade payouts!
  • Copes
    36 posts Member
    Wiggs and Nihilus / Dooku... its a tough climb for someone with a weird squad haha.
  • Copes
    36 posts Member
    So, just keeping an eye on those of you at the top, and it looks like there are still only 3 Zetas on our shard currently, am I right? How close is everyone else to achieving zetas? I think that the shard will get shaken up a bit once people start unlocking their zeta abilities.
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