Heroic AAT ready guild looking for 5-10 more members

Due to an **** officer who kicked every member of my guild at 2am I have some slots available in my guild.

We thankfully are all in discord so most have joined back including all my heaviest hitters. There was a slight purge so I do have some open spots available.

We are new to downing heroic so I'm only looking for new members who can really pull their weight in p2 and p3.

We are a really active and friendly guild (minus the guy that kicked everyone :P) no drama but lots of fun.

If you're interested or want more info shoot me a message. We look forward to having you on board.


PS if you come across a cherokeegw don't engage, he's the officer that kicked out whole guild and made me take a day to sort through the mess.


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    Wanna talk **** then here is some good information. Very strong guild that keeps losing top players because of a dictator that keeps **** ppl off.

    DO NOT JOIN!!!

    A lot of effort over several months down the drain trying to help recruit and keep ppl there.

    Trying to save others from the same fate.
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    Literally no idea what I or the other members did to deserve the absolutely awful way you treated us @CherokeeGW . Last I spoke to you last night a member had texted me saying that you weren't following rules and I calmly asked you about it, you said it wasn't the case, so I trusted and believed you and went about my day.

    Then at 2am, without consulting me or coming to me with an issue you had, you decide to kick every member you could manage out of the guild? And I'm the dicatator? I always, always ask officers advice and opinions on every decision. I take feedback from ALL members and try to develop rules that benefit the guild as a WHOLE. If someone has a problem and they come to me and say "this isn't working, let's try this..." I listen and we try it. The only thing I'm a hard **** about is implementing those rules to make sure it's fair for everyone. Even then, compared to some of the hardcore guilds out there I'm incredibly easy going.

    Go ahead throw your temper tantrum and literally ruin, not just mine but 48 other's game because of it. I've no idea what top players you're referring to that we're losing as the only significant loss we've had in the year we've been a guild is one guy and everyone else the officer's have unanimously kicked because they're not heroic ready, in order to make way for those who are.

    You think you're some hero, but my friend, literally every single person in the guild right now hates your guts for what you did. We were all having fun and having a laugh until you went and ruined it for reasons litterally unbeknownst to anyone. We don't need you, we don't want you. In fact we are stronger in spite of you and all that you've done (and we know it wasn't just the mass exodus you delivered last night)

    So go on to your next guild, I hope you treat them far better than you treated us, but I'm sure they'll be disappointed. I was only trying to save them from taking on a wannabe that throws a fit when he gets put in a corner for being bad. Good Luck. Good riddance.

    Sincerely, Tamwyn
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    I have been a member of this team almost from the beginning and can say that I have never felt that anyone had been treated unfairly. Every person has a choice and if you don't follow the few rules we have yes you will be confronted. This group is very helpful to its members, everyone contribute and helps in making suggestions to improve your toons and what combos to run in all situations. Everyone helps with gear too. Discord is a must to ensure what happened before doesn't happen again.
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    Ally Code: 976-638-428

    I'd like to join! Frequent donater with a solid AAT roster. Play way more than I should (I work overnight shifts) and I'm a chill 420 friendly person who doesn't get bothered by drama. Last guild everyone left over drama so looking for a new home.
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    CherokeeGW ur nothing but a coward and I was on to u from the start. U were always camping in raids so u cud get a better score. Ur a selfish coward and I feel bad for the next guild who takes u in cuz ur nothing but a disease and u can talk tuff all u want but we all know ur soft as baby **** and u cudnt bust a grape in a fruit fight so save the tuff talk cupcake. U tried to ruin our guild but u failed cuz we're all back in it so ur lil stunt didn't work.
  • Darth_finch
    24 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Tamwyn wrote: »
    Due to an **** officer who kicked every member of my guild at 2am I have some slots available in my guild.

    We thankfully are all in discord so most have joined back including all my heaviest hitters. There was a slight purge so I do have some open spots available.

    We are new to downing heroic so I'm only looking for new members who can really pull their weight in p2 and p3.

    We are a really active and friendly guild (minus the guy that kicked everyone :P) no drama but lots of fun.

    If you're interested or want more info shoot me a message. We look forward to having you on board.


    PS if you come across a cherokeegw don't engage, he's the officer that kicked out whole guild and made me take a day to sort through the mess.

    Hi bud - has your guild completed a heroic AAT raid yet or are you guys working towards it still?
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    Wish you guys the best of luck as you re-form and move on. Guilds are not an easy thing to manage.
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    Still looking for 4 members.
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    Hey Drez and Tam, probably you guys don't remember me, I'm juank, an old guild member of the hunting season, I was in ur guild almost from the begining. Miss u guys, it is sad to hear this issue w cherokee, that was actually the reason that I left, when u guys promoted him.
    Anyways I hope everything gets better in ur guild. And of course that u guys have best hunt in HAAT
    Best regards,
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    Juank of course we remember you, you were with us forever, wish you had given me the heads up that that's why you left man, I only promoted him because an officer asked me to. We miss you as well man, if you ever feel like joining back up let me know.
  • Juank
    21 posts Member
    Hey Tam, thanks again for your response, I'd like to go back, I'll give some days, a week, to leave my current guild if you still have a spot open, my discord tag is EmJ#1423, yeah, I changed my name, so we could talk better, I never gave u a heads up when I was leaving, and that wasn't nice, sorry about that, thanka Juank
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    This sure seems like a **** up guild :D :roll:
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    Got any open spots? I need Han Solo and Gk shards real bad
  • L1C4
    9 posts Member
    Sent an ally request
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