Small guild looking to expand

We are just 2 brothers playing together for a bit of fun, very experienced and good rosters!
Just a relaxed guild looking for some members!
Add me as an ally and I'll drop you an invite
Ally code - 389-548-652
Name - Alberto-Jinn


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    If you want you two could merge with our guild? Casual guild but currently high levels, only 4 members but three are 85 and I'm 79, the addition of you two would benefit the both of us, 129-759-599 if you consider !
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    You could all merge into one guilds. Starting heroic rancor tomorrow.
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    We could fit all 4 of you guys. Heroic rancor 3x per week and normal AAT twice per week. Message me and I'll provide more details
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    Sorry if I did not make this clear but to clarify we aren't looking to move or merge, just add to our guild
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    Probably better off joining another guild. so many guilds have 40+/50 players looking for more
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