GW who to spend War Tokens on?

The title is pretty simple, in the GW section of the game, who is the best to go after? I'm level 42 and I started purchasing the shards for Luminara Unduli. You think I'm going the right route here? I would like to work on a Dark Side character as well, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Currently, Phasma and Poggle are the best DS toons there. Pick depending on who you have to put with them.

    Personally, Poggle and Geo Soldier are a really nice, easy combo to put together. Poggle also works well if you go droid. And Poggle's buff and speed work well with more generic squads.

    Now, I use Phasma and her speed/advantage buff all the time. But if I were starting over agian, I would go Poggle/GS. It's just too easy to get at lower levels and remains affective even at high levels.

  • Options
    Thanks Krey, appreciate the help.
  • Options
    7* Lumi then come back and ask again
  • Options
    7* Lumi then come back and ask again

    Agree there
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    7* Lumi then come back and ask again

    Agree there

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