Level 80+ for heroic rancor and NAAT

Guild Carpe Noctem Para Bellum is now recruiting active players to supplement our core team of 80+ heavy hitter who love and live the game. We are geared and do heroic rancor and NAAT. Friendly and hope to see you grow with us!

We require:
1.Discord app for better raid communication, game events and strategy discussion.
2.players to be active and chatty

Reach us at:

Officers ally codes:
Bel Ibilis: 314 493 778
Vegeta: 355 788 754
Sieana rayleyx: 852-932-527

Discord address:
Bel Ibilis#0655
Sieana rayleyx #2499

We are all on discord, join our discord chat if you have any queries.Cheers!


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