They are making the tank raid harder just to nerf Maul

25 posts Member
edited February 2017
From the bugs fix update thread 2/14

Enraged enemies during Raids now also gain 100% Accuracy and inflict a permanent Healing Immunity when they damage enemies with attacks, in addition to the greatly increased Offense they already received.

This seems to be specifically designed to stop Maul from running rampant which is sad in itself but now also makes it near impossible for any team to last very long past enrage.

As someone who plays in a good but casual guild I'm pretty bummed by this cause it just makes getting Kenobi that much harder for my guild. I can see doing something like this when gear 12 becomes attainable but this seems a bit premature. Thoughts?

EDIT: fixed the title to get to the actual point.


  • Olga
    1333 posts Member
    I'm not sure it's 'inadvertant'. They seem to be pretty clear in their motive.
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    Does your guild's plan on clearing AAT hinge solely on you doing solo with Maul?

    Pretty risky plan..
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    Maul doesn't work in heroic anyway, so I don't see how it makes Kenobi harder to get.
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    Olga wrote: »
    I'm not sure it's 'inadvertant'. They seem to be pretty clear in their motive.

    No you're right. I just didn't want to type out "under the table nerf"

    It's not the effect on Maul I mind honestly. Even though it's fun to do I expected them to fix it somehow. I just think it's poor form to make the whole AAT raid harder just to stop a Maul exploit.
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    Maul doesn't work in heroic anyway, so I don't see how it makes Kenobi harder to get.

    I know that. But by making the enrage harder it effects every toon, not just Maul.
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    Zeke11Bx wrote: »
    Maul doesn't work in heroic anyway, so I don't see how it makes Kenobi harder to get.

    I know that. But by making the enrage harder it effects every toon, not just Maul.
    You'd die at enrage anyway, with any character. That's the idea of it. The change is just to stop maul going crazy in the normal AAT.
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    That's lame, but it probably wasn't intended to be solo'd. Maul isn't nerfed, the tank just got fixed.
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    Zeke11Bx wrote: »
    Maul doesn't work in heroic anyway, so I don't see how it makes Kenobi harder to get.

    I know that. But by making the enrage harder it effects every toon, not just Maul.
    You'd die at enrage anyway, with any character. That's the idea of it. The change is just to stop maul going crazy in the normal AAT.

    And that's a fair point. As it stands right now though. The Rancor used to do the same thing when we were all struggling to clear a tier 7 but now you can survive past enrage with the right toons. This change will make that not be possible for HAAT after the next level cap increase and gear 12 becomes available.
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    Maul is great, but you'll need much more than 1 character for the haat. There's no power of haatred that will counter the need for a developed roster
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    Essej wrote: »
    Maul is great, but you'll need much more than 1 character for the haat. There's no power of haatred that will counter the need for a developed roster

    You missed the point bud. This post isn't about Maul not being able to run amok. They could have fixed that by simply doing the permanent healing immunity and still letting evasion teams have a chance at avoiding for a bit. The 100% accuracy was overkill.

    Also, I dont know why you are assuming things about my roster, but I have every toon except Kenobi, and all but the newest 5 are 7 stared. I have more gear 10 and 11 toons than I do gear 9's by a long shot. Most of my 7*'s are lvl 80 or above, not a single 7* below lvl 70... I think I've got 'developed roster' covered. Good job assuming I'm some kind of rookie just cause my guild mates aren't ready for HAAT though.
  • Kajjm
    64 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    It's not only about Maul.
    Like, a strong team can out-live enraged for quite some time.. specially in Nomal.. I've survived like 10 enrages on p4 with self-healing rebels under wedge on p4 with good RNG...

    This is obviously not WAI
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    Kajjm wrote: »
    It's not only about Maul.
    Like, a strong team can out-live enraged for quite some time.. specially in Nomal.. I've survived like 10 enrages on p4 with self-healing rebels under wedge on p4 with good RNG...

    Exactly. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This won't be able to happen anymore if the enraged tank applies permanent healing immunity and never misses. All to stop one exploit with 1 toon. It just seems ridiculous to me. A lot of smaller guilds count on being able to get a few shots off after enrage. I just don't think it was necessary to do. At least right now anyways.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    normal without having the ability to survive enrage voor extended periods of time is still rather easy. I fail to see why this update is something bad.
    I've never reached enrage in heroic, but i'm doing a minimum of 4% in each phase. So i'm unsure of the consequenses for the heroic difficulty, but it seems to me that it doesn't really impact a guilds ability to defeat heroic AAT.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Zeke11Bx wrote: »
    Kajjm wrote: »
    It's not only about Maul.
    Like, a strong team can out-live enraged for quite some time.. specially in Nomal.. I've survived like 10 enrages on p4 with self-healing rebels under wedge on p4 with good RNG...

    Exactly. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This won't be able to happen anymore if the enraged tank applies permanent healing immunity and never misses. All to stop one exploit with 1 toon. It just seems ridiculous to me. A lot of smaller guilds count on being able to get a few shots off after enrage. I just don't think it was necessary to do. At least right now anyways.

    I do not agree with you.
    Let's be realistic, you're supposed to die at the enrage. It doesn't feel WAI to be able to keep on long during enrage.
    I do not see this change was adressed towards Maul, but rather the above reason.

    Just my thoughts that it feels strange to be able to keep on during enrage.
    I think this is a overall good change.
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    I don't think there is anything wrong with surviving past enrage for a bit. If you can evade or heal to get through a few rounds then I think that's fine. Itll eventually catch up to you. This update was designed to stop Maul (which is fine) but it effects everyone. But whatever. I don't care anymore.
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    Rebels could solo p4 long past enrage on normal, now they cant anymore, ppl using these technique might be overtaken by other guildies not using it so lots get annoyed by this change...
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    Princess Cody teams can survive past P4 enrage on heroic... well, they could anyways. Not for long.

    It's obvious this change was designed solely to stop Maul. Which is a fine goal. I get it. But the problem isn't with the AAT's survivability after enrage, the fact is it's a problem with Mauls kit. I love Maul prob more than any other character in the Star Wars universe and I absolutely hate to say this, but I would rather they nerf Maul instead of making it so it's pretty much impossible for anyone to survive past the first salvo of enrage, let alone the second.

    I just think this was the wrong fix to a Maul solo run.
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    The devs came up with enrage to stop you from going any further...
    This failed, they fixed, i dont see the problem
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    Well, imo one of the funnest things about this game is building up toons and composing teams to do better and get a little further. It's boring and lame if no matter what you do you just get shut down at enrage. Without being able to push past the 'limit' then you wouldn't get people coming up with team comps that do amazing things like Chirpantine and Princess Cody teams. Everyone would just use their heavy hitters to do as much damage as they can till they get auto killed after 15 turns. That's seriously boring and that is a problem.
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    Chirpaltine is insane because you get 100% TM gain on basic.

    I think this move was more to stop Princess Zody than really nerfing Maul. Anyway Maul does not work in heroic so I don't see why HAAT is harder.
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    Zeke11Bx wrote: »
    Princess Cody teams can survive past P4 enrage on heroic... well, they could anyways. Not for long.

    It's obvious this change was designed solely to stop Maul. Which is a fine goal. I get it. But the problem isn't with the AAT's survivability after enrage, the fact is it's a problem with Mauls kit. I love Maul prob more than any other character in the Star Wars universe and I absolutely hate to say this, but I would rather they nerf Maul instead of making it so it's pretty much impossible for anyone to survive past the first salvo of enrage, let alone the second.

    I just think this was the wrong fix to a Maul solo run.

    You might be right, you might be wrong.
    I, however, think you are wrong. I do not think at all that it is obvious that this was changed solely to stop Maul.
    I think this was obviously to stop people from out-living enrage.
    I will get less score, but hell it makes a lot of sense. Why should you be able to live over enrage? Enrage is a design to stop people from soloing the whole thing.

    This was a good change for the game.
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    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Chirpaltine is insane because you get 100% TM gain on basic.

    I think this move was more to stop Princess Zody than really nerfing Maul. Anyway Maul does not work in heroic so I don't see why HAAT is harder.

    Cause you're busy thinking I care that Maul can't solo the AAT anymore when what I've been talking about this whole time is other toons and team comps that can still do things a few rounds after enrage are now gonna be stopped dead in their tracks because of this. And it's not something we will overcome down the road when we're all stronger than we are today.
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    Kajjm wrote: »
    Zeke11Bx wrote: »
    Princess Cody teams can survive past P4 enrage on heroic... well, they could anyways. Not for long.

    It's obvious this change was designed solely to stop Maul. Which is a fine goal. I get it. But the problem isn't with the AAT's survivability after enrage, the fact is it's a problem with Mauls kit. I love Maul prob more than any other character in the Star Wars universe and I absolutely hate to say this, but I would rather they nerf Maul instead of making it so it's pretty much impossible for anyone to survive past the first salvo of enrage, let alone the second.

    I just think this was the wrong fix to a Maul solo run.

    You might be right, you might be wrong.
    I, however, think you are wrong. I do not think at all that it is obvious that this was changed solely to stop Maul.
    I think this was obviously to stop people from out-living enrage.
    I will get less score, but hell it makes a lot of sense. Why should you be able to live over enrage? Enrage is a design to stop people from soloing the whole thing.

    This was a good change for the game.

    I see where you're coming from. I just think seeing your clone team or your rebel team make it a little further past enrage than you did a week or so ago is a rewarding way to see your progress. Enrage is gonna catch up regardless.
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    It does seem to be anti Maul, mostly a response to the prospect of running Maul with the updated sidiuos leader ability - he would stack offence and health (this might give him the chance at soloing in HAAT I don't know as My guild isn't at heroic yet)

    As for other teams surviving past enrage it would depend what the class as "permanent" healing immunity - is permanent it won't drop off after x number of turns (but could be dispelled) or is permanent you cannot dispel the effect?

    If you can dispel it would princess zody team work if you dropped rex in place of one of the other clones?
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    Tophar wrote: »
    It does seem to be anti Maul, mostly a response to the prospect of running Maul with the updated sidiuos leader ability - he would stack offence and health (this might give him the chance at soloing in HAAT I don't know as My guild isn't at heroic yet)

    As for other teams surviving past enrage it would depend what the class as "permanent" healing immunity - is permanent it won't drop off after x number of turns (but could be dispelled) or is permanent you cannot dispel the effect?

    If you can dispel it would princess zody team work if you dropped rex in place of one of the other clones?

    I thought the same thing on both points.

    Preventing a Maul solo is perfectly reasonable and the new Sith updates could in theory make it viable to do so in HAAT. I dunno though.

    I wondered about dispel on the heal immunity but it does say simply 'permanent' so I think it's probably there to stay no matter what. I guess we'll find out when this update gets released.
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    Princess zody teams will lose up to a few million on p4. But whatevs. This is like when the nerfed tm removal for the rancor
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Kajjm wrote: »
    It's not only about Maul.
    Like, a strong team can out-live enraged for quite some time.. specially in Nomal.. I've survived like 10 enrages on p4 with self-healing rebels under wedge on p4 with good RNG...

    This is obviously not WAI

    Since the only people that know the intentions is the developers that make the game and they put in the change deliberately I would say it is wai.
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    Why pick on Maul though? Isnt the point of enrage to make it so it won't go on forever? So it's not ok to be able to absorb and heal damage through enrage but Vader or Jyn being able to solo a rancor raid because they never let the rancor take a single turn is WAI? I don't mind making it so we can't solo a raid or a phase or do massive damage. But why pick on one mechanic and not others?
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    Why pick on Maul though? Isnt the point of enrage to make it so it won't go on forever? So it's not ok to be able to absorb and heal damage through enrage but Vader or Jyn being able to solo a rancor raid because they never let the rancor take a single turn is WAI? I don't mind making it so we can't solo a raid or a phase or do massive damage. But why pick on one mechanic and not others?

    Its recent enough that not everyone is using it, and so they won't feel as bad about changing it. TMR was too far gone by the time they realized it was going to be able to solo the rancor. TMR was put to rest in the AAT, but Maul's uber health was also a recent change so they hadn't foreseen it, they fixed it quickly enough so that the raid still had some integrity. As sad as I am about having just gotten Maul to a reasonable spot to try this out, it's clearly for the best moving forward.
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    Why pick on Maul though? Isnt the point of enrage to make it so it won't go on forever? So it's not ok to be able to absorb and heal damage through enrage but Vader or Jyn being able to solo a rancor raid because they never let the rancor take a single turn is WAI? I don't mind making it so we can't solo a raid or a phase or do massive damage. But why pick on one mechanic and not others?

    Maybe the next toons they're introducing will be able to solo through enrage, possibly in combination with Maul. Just a thought.
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