Chirrut AI playing special ability lead should be As the Force Wills

If you watch Chirrut played by AI, he leads with his Strength of Purpose ability unless there is a debuff. Most characters lead with their last special ability (i.e. Yoda with battle mediation). Boba has always led with Death from Above, his first special ability. Recently, Phasma had her Victory March moved to be lead special ability. In these dark times (emphasis on debuff teams), wouldn't it make sense for Chirrut to lead with As the Force Wills and put tenacity up to protect the team against debuffs? I know when people have Chirrut, they lead with As the Force Wills to counter debuffs so why would AI play it differently. I would like to see it change, like with Phasma recently, that Chirrut's first special ability is As the Force Wills.


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    Totally agree with this suggestion. Chirrut sucks against zader on defence because he's not using the tenacity up first. Otherwise zaders would have no chance.
    Would love to see this changed.
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    How about Rex?
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    I think I know why... starting with that special, doesn't fully -use- it.
    Leveling health at the start is no use, and without any debuffs on the team there will be no 'heal-over-time' on them.

    Same is with Rex.

    But, I full understand the question. Tenacity-up is -the- life saver against those teams.

    Idea: Add the option to decide as a player which special may go first?
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