Banned Account that unexplainable

i dont know if there are such auto ban in this game.. while im playing rancor and pause my game for a couple of minutes to go for a shower then after im finished id continue my game but to my surprise i was shocked that a Ban had issued on the screen.. why? did i do something wrong? i dont have any party apps nor a mod apk on this game and my phone wasnt rooted. tell why i was banned?

Ally code: 842724694


  • Options
    Hiya.. This is not the place for this.

    Naming and Shaming
    Naming and shaming those who you believe to be cheating is not permitted on the forum. It is not productive and does not expedite action taken against these players. Any references of this type will be removed. Instead, Report players directly for investigation information on how to do so can be viewed below.

    Reporting potential cheaters
    If you want to report a potential cheater, please send a message to @CG_LucifersDaddy with details on why you think someone is cheating, your ally code and the name of the suspected cheater.

    Please contact @CG_LucifersDaddy.. for any info on why you might have been banned.

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