Improvements for the Game.

I took the survey awhile ago and put down what I thought could help the game most of which seems to have been changed or added. I am really pleased with this game so far but think that there is still room for improvement beyond the quality of life updates.
1. Excess shards: It would be nice if you could donate excess character shards to teammates in your own guild this way you could help out struggling teammates with farming characters.
2. It would be nice to see a change in characters in the redeem section of Galactic Wars as those characters have been there forever and have mostly been farmed to death.
3. Make more characters more accessible to being farmed either through Cantina our Hard battles but it is kinda hard for those of use who don't have unlimited money to buy crystals to get characters like Rogue one characters and new characters through packs.
4. Make ships more accessible to being farmed as well especially new ones like tie reaper and tie advanced X1 again it's not fair for those poor players who don't have jail broke phones to get mass amounts of crystals to max out plus the long journing of farming makes the game more interesting.
5. The zeta is the newest way to power up your characters but they are extremely hard to get maybe make them slightly more accessible.
6. Challenges are get for getting credits, droids, and gear but good again be reworked especially the gear challenges there are specific gear that is hard to farm i.e. Cuffs and other required gear in the 8-10 level that should be added to the gear challenges to make it more well rounded.
7. Galactic Wars have been a hot discussion for a while the fact that the difficulty fluctuates so frequently drives player crazy the difficulty should be reasonable but not insane to wear you can't finish them for months because they are too hard to beat.
8. Keep reworking characters making them stronger and more useful because no one wants to attempt to farm a character that is absolutely worthless in every way i.e. Mob enforcer, Magma Trooper, and most of the night sisters either get rid of them or make them stronger.
9. Keep adding more characters: So far the creates have been doing a great job with this but let's keep it up and make sure we add important characters like Jedi Knight Luke I mean he is on the dang cover but not the game...really...Starkiller base Rey with light saber, General Hux, Jango Fett, battle droids, Amadalla, Dark Barass, Essrah, Kanan, and other Rebels characters, Darth Bane, Scion, Malgus, Malak, Gaylan Merrek. I am just saying let's focus on important main characters from Star Wars before we just through out random foot soldiers...sorry about spelling too.
10. Finally keep up with adding more ships I know players wanna see more ships in the future but make sure they are at least farmable.

In closing EA is doing a really good job but it's about the players so don't be afraid to open up another icon on this site where we can add input and suggestions and keep sending out surveys after every major update to see how the players/fans feel and think. Keep up the good work.

Very Respectfully

Darth Tyranical
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