Video of 3* Sithassasin

11 posts Member
edited February 2017
Hey guys, today i made a video of a low geared Sithassasin.
For those of you who think she´s not viable at 3* please look the video.
She definitely is a must have for every Sith Squad!
Hope the Packs will be nice, maybe i´ll promote her to 7* if they are not like the krennic/dt packs.
What do you think about her? Please let me know in the commensection.

Have fun and may the force be with you.


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    You're being sarcastic right
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    You're being sarcastic right

    sorry had to add that if they have the same price like krennic i am not going to buy them.
    if they are like 1200 crystal i will go for them.
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    I know there are a TON of big spenders that are not spending on these packs, especially if they are more of the 5 shard garbage.
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    German names for things sound so cool. "Stromschlag!" "Inspiration durch Angst!"
  • Komplex7
    11 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    KeyMan64x wrote: »
    I know there are a TON of big spenders that are not spending on these packs, especially if they are more of the 5 shard garbage.
    yes, thats true. i know a lot of people too who refuse to buy the packs, especially if 5 shards cost 20 bucks.
    if they would give us 30 shards for 20 it would be okay, but that will only happen in my dreams.
    But therefore i made the vid. The new chars are definitely viable with 3 or 4 stars.

    Carbonari wrote: »
    German names for things sound so cool. "Stromschlag!" "Inspiration durch Angst!"

    first time someone is saying german sounds cool. Most foreigners i know say that german sounds angry and aggressiv... :'(
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