Qui-Gon debuff/offense buff not working on KO?

234 posts Member
edited February 2016
I noticed that Qui Gon's humbling blow doesn't give offense up when it kills a character with buffs. Is this a big or working as intended?

Also, I noticed that with Qui-Gons assist if he does enough damage he will kill the opponent and will not call an assist whereas Fives will leave the opponent at 0 health and still call the assist.


  • Tomek
    327 posts Member
    1. I confirm your observation. I have written about in :

    I see the result of HB: i make dmg each time and debuff not each time. But each time I kill enemy using HB it looks like each time the the debuff is resisted. It has no sense. If enemy is killed it is not possible to resist and offense up should be UP each time if the HB will kill.

    2. I saw no assist using "Harmonious Assault" when the enemy was killed and it can be ok.
    But I saw no assist when enemy survived the attact.
    Once on galaxy battle it was first HA attack with no assist. I breaked the battle and repeated it again - the same no assist. Each time I repeated the battle - no assist. There was no info about resist arround the enemy or something like this.
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