Stay the course or Start Over

839 posts Member
edited March 2017
Just started playing a few days ago and am now at level 39 and a number of 4* characters at Level 5 Gear. I do not want to spend any money on the game and have been living off of Chromecards and various other ways to get characters.

Love it a lot but I think I have hit a plateau where there will be a lot of farming and resource gathering. I totally do not mind do that except I am not sure whether I am on a good path or not. I started playing without much strategy and am now have an understanding the ideas of teams, buff/rebuffs, various types of characters, and leadership/abilities.

Right now, the Arena pretty much filled with Siths, especially Darth Nihilus. Matchups are extreme tough and I'm pretty much locked in where I am at ranking wise. I am going for Nihilus and other Sith characters during the event by saving up my crystals. It seems like I should make a Sith team between farming and crystals.

So I would appreciate some advice on whether I should keep going with the characters I have now and whether I should just start over.

Currently I have:
Jyn Erso 4*
Clone War Chewy 4*
Admiral Ackbar 4*
Talia 3*
Luke Skywalker 3*
Jedi Consular 3*
Asajj Ventress 3*
A number of other 1* and 2* fillers to round off squads for the missions.

I am also close to getting Ashoka Tano and can farm for Mace Windu, Tarkin, Leia, Savage Opress, Darth Sidious, Fives, Old Daka, QGJ, and Poe.



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    It will take some farming without spending money yes. But it can be done. I think i played maybe 8 months before i spent money and when i did it was just $25.

    If you're looking to form a couple squads then i suggest getting these characters (or working them up):

    Squad 1

    Darth Sidious
    Savage Opress
    Asajj Ventress
    Darth Vader (unlocked through achievements)
    Chewbacca (until you can get the Royal Guard)

    Squad 2

    Admiral Ackbar
    Princess Leia
    Luke Skywalker
    Biggs Darklighter
    Chewbacca (until you can get the Scarif Rebel Pathfinder)

    From what i can tell you are doing good, as long as you play every day and finish all your daily activities. As well as saving crystals and credits. You will definately need alot of credits.

    If theres additional questions or if i missed anything, let me know :smile:
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    That's the eternal question with freemium games.

    The ultimate question is, are you patient? If so, keep going.

    If you don't mind playing casually on GW or don't care about rank on arena and fleet, keep going.

    But if your urge is to cruise up the leader board or you don't have the patience to chip away (slowly ala Shawshank Redemption-style) I'd say don't drive yourself nuts and play Super Mario Run instead.
  • Calbear949
    839 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    It will take some farming without spending money yes. But it can be done. I think i played maybe 8 months before i spent money and when i did it was just $25.

    If you're looking to form a couple squads then i suggest getting these characters (or working them up):

    Squad 1

    Darth Sidious
    Savage Opress
    Asajj Ventress
    Darth Vader (unlocked through achievements)
    Chewbacca (until you can get the Royal Guard)

    Squad 2

    Admiral Ackbar
    Princess Leia
    Luke Skywalker
    Biggs Darklighter
    Chewbacca (until you can get the Scarif Rebel Pathfinder)

    From what i can tell you are doing good, as long as you play every day and finish all your daily activities. As well as saving crystals and credits. You will definately need alot of credits.

    If theres additional questions or if i missed anything, let me know :smile:

    Thanks a ton...I noticed that credits seem to be a limiting factor more and more. I have Royal Guard as a 1* character but it looks like he can be farmed.

    Curious to see if you think I can build around Jyn? She seems to be a rare character and quite powerful.

    Also...I feel like I wasted quite a lot of credits/crystal trying to power up and get characters that are not all that powerful. Would it make sense to start over. It's only been a few days.
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    That's the eternal question with freemium games.

    The ultimate question is, are you patient? If so, keep going.

    If you don't mind playing casually on GW or don't care about rank on arena and fleet, keep going.

    But if your urge is to cruise up the leader board or you don't have the patience to chip away (slowly ala Shawshank Redemption-style) I'd say don't drive yourself nuts and play Super Mario Run instead.

    I'm perfectly fine with farming and being doesn't take much time throughout the day and gives me something to look forward to at different parts of the day.

    My question was really more about whether I should keep going with the squad I have or should I start over now that I have an idea of what's going on. None of the characters outside of Jyn seem to be all that unique and I can start over and be a little more focused on what I am doing.
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    Calbear949 wrote: »
    Right now, the Arena pretty much filled with Siths, especially Darth Nihilus. Matchups are extreme tough and I'm pretty much locked in where I am at ranking wise. I am going for Nihilus and other Sith characters during the event by saving up my crystals. It seems like I should make a Sith team between farming and crystals.

    So I would appreciate some advice on whether I should keep going with the characters I have now and whether I should just start over.
    a bunch of the characters you listed are either given to everybody during the tutorial period, or given to everybody as a preface to unlocking the spaceship battles. everyone has them and everyone has spent time leveling them up and gearing them up just because that's what they had to do in order to progress far enough into the game to unlock better characters. most players with a serious competitive streak will abandon some of those characters and switch their focus to other ones. that's the inevitable flow of the game. it's no big deal.

    very little of what you've done so far (at level 39) will have any long term effect on where you'll end up. even at high levels, people still spend a lot of time building what appears to be a great arena squad for example, only to see it eventually get countered & completely dominated by a totally different one -- so they abandon their old squad and build a new one.

    as for the long term value of the characters you already have... get ready to abandon luke and talia. luke has no place on a good, high level squad. talia is only worthwhile until your dark side characters' HP and damage outpace her ability to heal them or complement their damage.

    admiral ackbar is conditionally good: he's good to have around when you need to cleanse debuffs, and more or less a dead weight otherwise. mace windu is an okay early/middle leveling character who has no place on a high level jedi squad. but ackbar and mace are both worthwhile in any case for ship battles because they pilot the capital ships -- ackbar being more beneficial to a team of rebel fighter ships, mace being a better fit for republic fighters (jedi and clones).

    jedi consular is an essential starting character whose value steeply diminishes after a certain threshold (his healing gets outpaced by damage, his utility gets superceded by better jedi characters), but his value in ship battles is surprisingly high.

    fives is a decent character all around for campaigns, arena, and for ship battles.

    chewbacca is far from the best tank in the game, but he may be worth leveling up because he's good enough to use on scoundrel events. especially if you don't intend to invest a lot of time/energy in a rebel squad, which is where a lot of people decide to replace chewbacca with stormtrooper han solo who has both rebel & scoundrel affiliation.

    it's a game about collecting and upgrading characters, with a continually shifting balance of power. you've collected a lot and you'll collect a lot more if you keep playing. the characters you've relied on so far won't be the characters you're relying on at level 60 or 70 or 80. that's the same experience that every other player has with the game.
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    Well said!

    December 2016 Arena Shard
  • Calbear949
    839 posts Member
    edited March 2017

    Wow...thanks a ton.

    Any thoughts on Jyn? She is the only character that is intriguing to me both cause I loved Rogue One and it seems like she is a decent character.
    Post edited by Calbear949 on
  • lisztophobia
    808 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    jyn is one character that i have no experience with. no opinion about her really since i don't have her in my collection, can't remember if i've ever seen her in arena, and i don't know of any way to acquire the character currently (unless something has changed recently, she's been unobtainable ever since the last time she was offered as a tournament prize).
  • Calbear949
    839 posts Member
    edited March 2017

    Thanks again...I think I am going to go with a Sith team and Rebel team.

    Emperor Palpatine/
    Darth Nihilus
    Darth Vader
    Royal Guard
    Tie Fighter Pilot

    Rebel team:


    Going after Nihilus, Boba, Vader, Sidious, Opress for now...Rebel team is going to be based upon luck until later.
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    Calbear949 wrote: »

    Thanks again...I think I am going to go with a Sith team and Rebel team.

    Emperor Palpatine/
    Darth Nihilus
    Darth Vader
    Royal Guard
    Tie Fighter Pilot

    Rebel team:


    Going after Nihilus, Boba, Vader, Sidious, Opress for now...Rebel team is going to be based upon luck until later.

    I have no experience with jyn as well, tournaments **** so i gave up on trying to do well when she was the prize. Those have since been removed so consider yourself lucky to have her lol.

    Its up to you but you might wanna consider making ackbar lead...only because when he uses his non-basic abilities (which arent attacks) he calls an assist every time. I'm not sure what jyn's leader ability is so i cant say if shes the better choice.
  • hilikus
    109 posts Member
    Really nice f2p guide. He considered ships, arena, ....

    Now you have something to watch ;)
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    @TristanKnight Thanks!

    Jyn is supposed to have incredible leadership skill when teamed up with Rebels:

    Rebel allies have +20-35% Potency (Based on Ability Level). Enemies that suffer debuffs during Rebel allies’ turns have a 35-50% chance to also become Exposed for 2 turns. This Expose can’t be resisted. Rebel allies recover 5% protection whenever they gain a buff.

    Her special attack is good as well (according to others):

    Deal Physical damage to all enemies and grant target other ally 100% Turn Meter. If any Critical Hits are scored, revive a random Rebel ally with 20% Max Health for each Critical Hit scored[Base Cooldown: 4. Max-Level Cooldown: 4]

    She also gains potency for critical hits.

    I am going to keep plugging away and see where it takes me. :)
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    @hilikus Thanks!
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    You will need rebels to get palp. Also a great bounty hunter team will help with the credit crunch. I use lando lead,boba,ig88,chewie,storm trooper Han. And have no problems with credit heist. And a lot of great toons as well
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