Semi-new here. Can someone explain a few things to me?

Hello there.

I'm kind of new to this game compared to others. I've only been playing since November, and I am glad I stumbled across this forum through the game because I have some questions that so far I have not had luck finding the answers to.

1. From time to time I get "Friend Requests". I currently have two pending. What are they exactly? From what I gather they can use my characters or something like that? Introverted me says to follow my social media instinct and not accept requests from complete strangers. Clarification on this would be most appreciated.
2. Lurking on the forum, I have seen terminology that I do not know what it means or understand it. What is "PVP", "Farming", and "Toons"?
3. Currently I am at Level 57, playing solo without being in a guild, with a total of 27 characters (12 light side, 15 dark side). For the most part I have been 'winging it' with squads. Any thoughts, opinions, or recommendations on improving any of my teams would be very helpful. I can provide a full breakdown of every character I have with their levels, gear levels, and star ratings. I can write it up, though I have seen some people here provide web links that show it, Anyone know where to find that?

These are my current teams.

- Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Jedi Consular, Rex, and Fives is my current light side squad.
- Asajj Ventress, Nightsister Initiate, Talia, IG-86 Sentinel Droid, and IG-88 as my current dark side squad.
- Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Asajj Ventress, Jedi Consular, and Talia as my current cantina squad.
- For Arena Battle's, I have been using my top five most powerful characters at any given moment. They are currently Asajj Ventress, IG-86 Sentinel Droid, Barriss Offee, Jedi Consular, and IG-88.
- I have also unlocked some ships, though I have not unlocked any battles that I can use them in.

Thank you for any and all words of wisdom. It has been a long time since I have been into gaming and I have greatly enjoyed playing Galaxy of Heroes!


  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Allies are just people who can use each other's leaders on battles that allow it (LS/DS/cantina/some challenges). There's no harm accepting them except that it fills your slots (you only get 50 max) and you might need to purge some at some point if they aren't providing the allies you need to get through the battles yourself.

    PvP is player vs. player, which refers to the squad arena. Farming means doing a battle over and over to try to get character shards or gear. Toons are characters.

    You can make an account on which will allow you to show people what you have.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Also, you should definitely join a guild. There is no downside, and you get guild coins and access to the guild shop, which has additional characters and opportunities to get some gear, and participating in raids is the only efficient way to get certain gear (outside of spending crystals).
  • crzydroid
    7400 posts Moderator
    Friend requests are ally requests; You can borrow each others' leaders in battles for more ally points, but cannot communicate.

    You will advance much faster by being in a guild. You will get gear from raids, and also guild coins to help you buy gear and character shards. You can communicate with guild members; however, there should be no expectation to discuss personal details.

    PVP is Player vs. Player, ie, arena. Farming is the process of intentinally gathering shards for characters or salvage for gear. Toons are characters/heroes.

    There is a site called, and it allows you to put in your ally code and player ID to sync your collection.
  • TheAspianRyder
    3 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Thank you for the info!

    I went ahead and accepted the two requests.

    Here is the link showing who I have so far.

  • Dooku_for_days
    2907 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    You're level 57 after near enough 4 months of playing? You should be at around level 80 by now. I'd recommend restarting on a new account if you want to be competitive in arena. You should also read the up to date F2P guides (not ones from many months ago as they'll no longer be valid) and follow the guides on a new account.
    PvP is player v player, so both character and ship arena.
    Allies help you in PvE battles (LS/DS/cantina battles) bay you being able to borrow their set leader, and they can borrow yours.
    Farming is collecting a character's shards from each area of the game, so you have 1 maxed team at 7*, before moving onto another set of characters. This is the most effective way of progressing. It's no good just unlocking as many characters as you can.
    Toons are characters.
    Join a guild, without one you'll have no chance.
    A character's power means almost nothing. Gear, mods and the character's abilities and stats are what is important.
    Focus on gearing and levelling up 1 squad at a time to max (gear 11). Spreading your resources thinly is single heandedly the worst thing you can do in this game.
  • Options
    Thank you for the info!

    I went ahead and accepted the two requests.

    Here is the link showing who I have so far.
    Definitely restart. You can get to your level in a couple of weeks, and will rank much higher in arena, proving you focus all resources on good characters.
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    If I do, is there any way to transfer purchases I've made? I really do not want to be out on what I have invested so far.
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    The only chat interface in the game is the one in the guild menu. So guildmates are the only people that you can chat with. When somebody is on your friend list but not in your guild, you couldn't chat with them or share personal info with them even if you wanted to.

    As for where the friend requests come from. The game has a pseudo-PVP (players vs player) function where you battle other players' characters, but those players are not controlling the characters. The game's A.I. (aka "the CPU," "computer player," etc) is controlling the opposing characters in the player's absence. When you receive a friend request out of the blue from somebody you've never heard of, it usually means that somebody battled against your characters in one of the pseudo-PVP modes and they want to have you on their friend list so that they can "borrow" your characters (this has no effect on your inventory or your characters' availability to you) to aid them in the battle campaigns. It's all very innocent and safe. Perhaps a little too safe for the tastes of some people who would prefer that the social options be less restrictive, but that's the way it is.

    Thank you for the explanation. I went ahead and accepted the two requests that I mentioned earlier.

  • crzydroid
    7400 posts Moderator
    I'm curious as to what purchases you've made and what you've used them for. Your roster does not seem to reflect spending any money.
  • swgohfan29
    1147 posts Member
    Hi. Heres what i suggest
    Quickly, max out your scoundrels. Get a Rebel squad and get Palpatine. In GW, get Lumi and Phasma. In LS/DS get necessary gear.
  • Carto
    59 posts Member
    Some important advices:

    1) Accept the request of your allies, try to found high level plolayer and invite them, they characters help you in hard battles. You cant talk with him

    2) Join a guild ASAP. Put one character in 7 stars (Biggs or Lumi are the easiest), and make raids with them. Rewards are great

    3)Focus in a rebel or droid team for arena... this is your priority!!! Droid team HK 47 (key member) - IG 88 - IG 86 - Jawa enginereed - b2. Rebeld team Lando - StHan - Biggs - Wedge - Ackbar or Leia. Rebelds are the best early team, but droid team is OK.

    4) Abandon all your other characters and focus in your arena team. About you actual characters you can still farming and upgrade Rex - Ig 86 - IG 88 - Fives
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    If I do, is there any way to transfer purchases I've made? I really do not want to be out on what I have invested so far.
    That investment you have made has gotten you nowhere, and I can't even see what you've spent that money on. Restarting, and never spending again is a far better option than continuing.
  • Options
    Thank you for the info!

    I went ahead and accepted the two requests.

    Here is the link showing who I have so far.
    Definitely restart. You can get to your level in a couple of weeks, and will rank much higher in arena, proving you focus all resources on good characters.

    Is that for f2p or spenders? Coz I have been playing for around 6 months and I'm at lvl 74.
  • Options
    Thank you for the info!

    I went ahead and accepted the two requests.

    Here is the link showing who I have so far.
    Definitely restart. You can get to your level in a couple of weeks, and will rank much higher in arena, proving you focus all resources on good characters.

    Is that for f2p or spenders? Coz I have been playing for around 6 months and I'm at lvl 74.
    F2P. Look at the top of your arena leaderboard. Everyone will be level 85, including F2P.
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    Guilds are overrated, and take way to much effort. And definitely don't ally with people you don't know in real life.
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    Guilds are overrated, and take way to much effort. And definitely don't ally with people you don't know in real life.
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    Looks like you are a very casual player who just log in every two days to have some fun. If you don't want to change this, keep your account. If you want to play active and competitive it is better to restart.

    On level 60 ships will be unlocked. Than you can do ship battles and get rex shards, as well as the other clones. If you want to continue with your account, maybe a full clone squad would be something for you.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Guilds are overrated, and take way to much effort. And definitely don't ally with people you don't know in real life.

    Worst advice ever
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Options

    To be fair you're not the first person to be confused. The ally system had me puzzled as well.

    If I understand correctly, friend requests are used to form alliances with other players. Once you accept an alliance players can borrow each other's characters, which can be useful because they may have people you are missing or more powerful characters.

    So for instance, if I accepted a friend request from you, than in some game modes you'd have the option to borrow one of my characters. I don't know if you get anything from other people using your characters. I'm not sure if there's even a way to tell if yours have been used.

    In short "friend request" is something of a misnomer. Whether you accept is your choice but you don't actually have to talk to anyone or anything like that.
  • Yogi
    907 posts Member
    Guilds are overrated, and take way to much effort. And definitely don't ally with people you don't know in real life.

    Poor trolling attempt.

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    why restart? i play since 2 year ago did a ton of noob mistake while limping in top 2000 in arena(want to say also f2p here but not good idea)
    yet here i am
    the cake is a lie
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    I'd just like to say I agree with the ppl who have said to start over if you want to play competively. Contact ea and you can most likely restore purchases. Also. Join a guild, gear ppl up. If you are super casual and want to continue as such. Stay where ur at. To be competitive you are going to have to join the right guild and gear and mod the right toons for a variety of events . 2 raids, light side, dark side, cantina, mod challenges, arena (the most important for growth bc of crystals , crystals should be used to buy gear). Ships (toons for ships need to be geared and modded). Not to mention events and omega battles and well as challenges, zeta challenges for ships.

    Being competitive is not for the casual player
  • BrillO
    320 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    Also, you should definitely join a guild. There is no downside, and you get guild coins and access to the guild shop, which has additional characters and opportunities to get some gear, and participating in raids is the only efficient way to get certain gear (outside of spending crystals).

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